Now contains nuts.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Penguin Force, Go!

Over the years I’ve learned that dealing with a confrontation with an equal and opposite amout of aggression doesn’t cancel the confrontation out.

Far from it. In fact, it makes the entire ordeal a fistful-of-fuck worse.

And I was chatting to a friend of mine about this precise subject the other night. I said that I find the best way to negate a situation like that is to make light of the subject, give a self deprecating comment and voila… situation avoided.

He nodded like he understood what I was saying.

The night progressed. We were at a black-tie dinner. Thankfully not too much booze was drank – I had soft drink the whole night.

On the way back to the car, I had to walk up Bank Street to pick up some cash. I asked my mate to come with me as it’s better to be safe than sorry.

Sure enough, as I was pulling my cash from the ATM, a drunkard staggered up the street. Spying us in our tuxedoes, he decided he would approach us.

“Havin’ a good night, fellas?” he slurred at us

Keeping my eyes on him, I hurriedly pushed the cash into my wallet.

“You guys are inshurance saleshmen…” he queried.

“Nah mate, just been out at a function” I replied cheerfully.

“You guys don’t have any shpare cash on ya, do ya? I need to get home”

Now, I am usually prepared for this kinda stuff. He would’ve seen me at the ATM, so he knew I had cash on me. But I usually keep a bus ticket with one trip left on it in my wallet, just in case I’m approached by people wanting money for a “bus ticket”.

I was ready to pull the ticket out and give it to him, therefore negating any problems before they came to a head, but my mate decided to interject.

“No we don’t have cash on us, but I’ve got a good idea for ya”

Pause. My mind racing with the words Oh and Fuck.

“Get a job”

I let out a resigned sigh, reaching into my pocket for my car keys, strategically placing them in my fist so many keys jutted out between my fingers.

What the fuck had I just told this guy???? I kept my hand in my pocket to hide the fist of metal I had hastily prepared.

He started shouting a bit of abuse. My mate only stirred the pot even more with a calm but condescending tone. The tuxedo probably didn’t help.

“Nevermind him, mate” I quickly told the drunkard, “he’s tanked and doesn’t know what he’s saying”

“He should keep his mouth shut!”

“Alright, I’ll take care of him” I said before backing away down the street with my mate.

“I’m not pissed (drunk), Andy” my mate said to me, “we coulda taken him. I don’t put up with people like that”

Further proof that you can lead a horse to water, but you can’t stop him from being an ass…

7 files below

Blogger ChickyBabe said...

Another fine example that people only hear what they want to hear despite the cues they give. And those who don't want to change their attitudes never do and never learn.

I like your idea about the bus ticket. Very clever :).

8:22 PM

Blogger cadiz12 said...

exactly. a lot of times people we talk with are just waiting until it's their turn to talk and don't bother listening to what we're even saying.

7:30 AM

Blogger surfercam said...

As my great mate Allan Border would say - The best type of defence is offence!

3:32 PM

Blogger Ms Smack said...

For me, its about beating them to it. When you see someone who is bound to ask you for something, be it bus ticket, money or whatever, beat them to it.

Approach them. Say 'dude i need to get home. Got money for a bus ticket?'

If you appear as serious as they do, they might think you're crazier than them.


8:28 PM

Blogger Steph said...

What a twat. You should have helped the drunk guy bash up your mate ;)

9:29 PM

Blogger Chris said...

If your friend had any dignity at all, he'd have responded with a shriek, clasped his arms by his side and waddled, heels together, away down the street.

9:08 AM

Blogger Big Ben said...

Being in Tuxedos, you should have donw some james Bond shit on that dude with a Judo-chop to the neck. Then finish with some cool line like "keep the change there nutstick".

5:10 AM


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