Now contains nuts.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Bubye winter.

You know it’s that time of year again.

The mercury climbs, and the lifestyle changes ever so slightly. I used to hate the warmer months, truth be told. But it changed last year.

I used to lament warm weather, as I was hardly comfortable in shorts. But now evenings are spent walking through parks, and running like an idiot through the sprinklers - with my shirt and tie from work still on.

I now sit on the landing at Café Lago and let the cool waters of the River Torrens gently balance the level of comfort with the warm air. White wine always tastes better whilst relaxing at this place.

Searching out that nice little restaurant in the hills I find is a pleasant cruise with the windows down. The warm air blowing in the opening chills momentarily as you pass a sheer rockface that hasn’t been touched by the merciless Australian sun.

You can walk down the beach these days without requiring the ten layers of clothing to shield you from the Antarctic gales that blow up from the south. The beach is where you can marvel at the beauty of this country, and the colours of the sky gently warm your soul.

Hoho… and let’s not forget the best thing about the new season. It is something that is truly a joy, and surpasses all these sensations I describe above. Mere words cannot fully express my delight.

Girls. Short skirts.


Thank you, and goodnight.

6 files below

Blogger chica bonita said...

i love winter and i do not mind spring but i absolutely loathe summer when it's 40 degrees and having flies buzzing around.

5:12 PM

Blogger ChickyBabe said...

I’ll toast you a white wine Andy, here’s to summer, from a Sydney beach!

And to your perving post:
Hunks. In chest hugging T’s, painted on singlets, suntanned ribbed abs, bulging biceps and cute pinchable bottoms.
Bring on summer…

10:20 PM

Blogger cadiz12 said...

i always seem to forget you're below the equator. i just had to dig out my coat the other day because it's getting pretty chilly in chicago.

9:17 AM

Blogger Steph said...

It's all about the beach babbyyyyy!
Love it.

1:31 PM

Blogger surfercam said...

You should be on the Goldie!
It's short skirts all year round...

2:54 PM

Blogger zzymurgy said...

This is the time of year when beautiful young maidens shed their heavy winter coats and put themselves on display. Makes me glad to be alive.

And I don't mind short shorts either.

9:06 AM


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