Now contains nuts.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

If you’re looking for the post on sexual politics that Steph was talking about… it’s the next door down. Next post down, sorry.

Anyway, onto things inane.

You can always tell when I’m in a conversation. It usually goes something like this:

Person A raises topic

Person B mentions they’ve heard of it.

Person C cites an article they’ve read recently on the topic

Person D claims topic is just another way for High Australia to further divide the haves and have-nots, is one of the real reasons the country is going up shit creek without a canoe, and that if people learned to take some responsibility for their own actions we wouldn’t be a bunch of coddled babies.


Person A changes subject with a quick addendum that Person D can be a “real cunt sometimes”.

Guess which one is me.

As was mentioned on The Reverend’s blog, I am somewhat cynical. It’s a personality trait I’ve relied upon greatly to filter out the fuckheads who might come into my life. Its success has been… well… questionable, but I think I’ll stick with it.

But now I’m “Adorably Cynical”. Not quite what I was shooting for, but interesting nonetheless. For me, it conjures up images like this:

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
Go fuck yourself…

Yep… “Adorably Cynical” is like “being told to ‘go fuck yourself’ by the Yellow M&M.”

Or maybe it’s like getting flipped off by Bambi. I dunno. If anyone has Photoshop skills, maybe they could email me a picture…

But I guess it’s a badge that I should wear with pride. If I am able to have people want to pat me on the head and offer me a carrot whenever I write about being fucked off with something, then that’s something to be proud of… I guess.

If not… then fuck you.

6 files below

Blogger Stef said...

I'm a person D too. My ex said "you're pretty cute, but we've got to keep that attitude of yours in check." I told him to shut the fuck up.

12:43 PM

Blogger cadiz12 said...

you have to have an attitude or people will walk all over you. believe me, i know.

2:43 PM

Blogger ChickyBabe said...

Yellow M&Ms melt in my mouth... I won't say what they do in my hand.

9:36 AM

Blogger reverendtimothy said...

Heh, I almost thought you were referring to the time I dressed as an M&M for a promotion for a second there, but then remembered I was the orange M&M, not the yellow one. ;-) Hahaha.

And of course your cynicism is adorable! :-P I'm a cynic myself, but whenever I read your rants, I just wanna give you a big hug and say, "Awwwww come now widdle Andy! Tomorrow's a new day!" hahaha. Perhaps I am a cynical optimist, if that's possible? haha.


11:29 AM

Blogger Steph said...

I was just so loving this post and then i read Chicky's comment above and i was all " Ohhh my effing GOD that's funny" She can be a bit of a vixen our chicky!!
Love it.

1:31 PM

Blogger Loudlush said...

'Adorably cynical' is the new black and from now on I will say all of my "Fuck You's" with love. Can I have my lollipop now?

10:20 PM


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