Now contains nuts.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

In a world of order, boredom rules.

I think this is the limbo time of the year. It’s that point in time where everything exciting has tapered off, and you know that the Christmas lead-up is only a hiccup away from being blasted at us through the television.

Every single conversation I have seems to be about the weather, which – at this time of year – is some mutant condition somewhere between too fucking cold and “a bit warmish, eh?”

I think even the bogans are driving around with their windows only half down – like they’re not sure if it’s too cold or too warm to stick their head out the window to yell “compliments” at women pedestrians.

Naturally, this blog is testament to the all-round feeling of “meh”. I can write something up, but then simply shake my head and delete it all.

My little cube here at work is bland and uninspiring, and I secretly wish for the day that the department announces budget cuts and fucks me off into the real world.

My co-workers who normally use language that would make even the most crass of construction workers turn maroon with embarrassment are really quite sedate these days. I haven’t heard one humorous story about a users ineptitude with their PC all week.

I spent this week looking forward to lunch today, which was spent at the Belgian Beer Bar, eating mussels and drinking beer out of a glass big enough to fit my head. The beer was bland, despite its claims of containing coriander and a truckload of wheat.

Everything in my section seems to be working like clockwork, with nary a squeak from the little mouse in a treadmill that powers the entire infrastructure.

There are no looming events on my calendar… well, nothing until December. There is nothing much to look forward to that is worth getting exciting over. Conversely, there is nothing ahead which fills me with dread, either.

I think balance has returned to the force. And it’s boring the hell out of me.

4 files below

Blogger Kenneth said...

These phases cud really get to the nerves, but cud also be quick mate.......take solace in the F1 or sumthin else

4:00 AM

Blogger Steph said...

Tis the season to be 'meh'.
Why not do a nudie run down the main street in your town?
Should liven things up a bit.

Oh Yeah, post pics too. Cheers.

8:25 PM

Blogger Andy said...

Ken: yeah, the F1 is actually interesting this year.

Steph: I'll let you know. There's nothing like traumatising people to make me feel better :)

10:34 AM

Blogger zzymurgy said...

You're talented at writing a lot about nothing.

My blog sits neglected in these uneventful, uninspiring times.

4:02 PM


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