Now contains nuts.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

The drugs STILL do work

I am still coming down from drugs, people… so bear with me.

Spending a week with a bunch of people I considered like-minded, there were a few occasions where tempers got a little frayed.

Naturally, arguments spilled out quickly and higher ground was constantly sought by the two aggressors. What was initially a slight misunderstanding blew out to be an ongoing arm-wrestle between who was right and wrong.

I find that when this happens, the two sides tend to boil it down to semantics and interpretation – as though they’re a defense lawyer in Law and Order.

Is it so hard to simply shake your head and say “Oops, perhaps I was wrong. Thank you for showing me another perspective.”

However, almost every time I saw what was a potentially insignificant item become a cause for division between two camps of complete morons.

Precedent was set as well. Each side would stick to the rules defined by previous arguments to the point where even the physical distance (to the metre) between groups became a reason for further confrontation. Another reason to flex the muscles.

A lot of the time I stood dumbfounded. At various points of exhaustion I wondered if I was too naïve, and that I should embrace the mental carnage in front of me instead of trying to set an example to the opposite.

At the end of the day, I figured that I am far too introverted to be noticed by the whole in order to set an example. By the same token I am too introverted to actively participate in the aforementioned carnage and still be taken seriously.

This reminds me of high school. I was told by a peer who was neither friend nor enemy, “Andy… you’re not one of the cool guys. You’re not one of those nerds that gets picked on. You’re just… Andy”

Oh well.


This must be how Switzerland feels.

I hope these pain killers wear off soon.

4 files below

Blogger Ms Smack said...

Welcome back :)

12:56 PM

Blogger jennifersando said...

Hi Andy, good to hear that you made it through the op ok. :)

4:25 PM

Blogger Steph said...

Switzerland makes the best chocolate.
Just sayin'.

Hope you're feeling better :)

12:18 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well I don't know about complete morons... actually yeh it was a pretty stupid arguement.
I'm quite liking this inter-blog six degrees thing.

9:09 PM


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