The drugs DO work
Not too sure how to start this all out. It’s been quite a fortnight.
Notwithstanding having a piece of bone the size of a mentos removed from my left knee. Yes, I would have to say that I have been fresh and full of life since its removal.
Its been amusing for people around me to witness a six foot male doped up on Oxychodone hobbling around the place, squeezing his left knee which had swollen to the size of a honeydew melon and stopping only to cite random quotes from The Book of Five Rings.
Being prone for a week is somewhat frustrating, especially after spending the previous week being very physical and pushing my body beyond what I believed were its limits.
However being sedate does lend itself towards thinking, which is a practice I indulge in but rarely actually yield much.
This fortnight I began to see other people in a different way. People who I thought were like-minded peers and understood the nature of my inquisitiveness. I believed these people could look beyond their personal ego and understand the difference between a discussion and a challenge.
It turns out I was wrong.
Those who espoused this idea that we are only competing with ourselves, actually were competing with others. They would speak a mantra that ego should not rule their actions, yet in practice… well… ego did rule.
Since my trip to Japan, I knew that I had ruffled a few feathers with these people. What I didn’t realise was just how deep the ruffling went.
Everyone has their own agenda. I expect this. Hell, I’ve even got my own. However, I don’t think everyone else is there to challenge me. I am challenging myself. Having an agenda is a good thing.
But these people don’t realise that I’m not a threat to them. Not because I am not as able as them… but because their agenda is different to mine.
From what I can see, their agenda involves riding on the coat-tails of someone else’s hard work and being seen in favour.
My agenda is simple.
I want it all.
I don’t care how much these people try to intimidate me, because I am not going to waver. They can strike me as hard as they like and I will get back up. I have been hit before and have bounced back. I will continue to do it again and again.
They can slander me behind my back. I no longer care. Their words will have no impact on my progress, so they are no danger to me.
My confidence is not shown in a boisterous and loud-mouthed fashion. My confidence is the knowledge that when the chips go down, you can be very sure that I have backed myself and not some other horse with a glittery mane.
And even the hardships I face now, I know I will stand back up and shake it all off.
Because whenever a part of you seems to have fallen asleep, you have to keep moving that limb until the feeling returns.
3 files below
Until recently, I didn’t think it was possible to outgrow friends or a circle of people with whom one associates. But it happens when people are no longer on the same wavelength, and prefer to contradict just for the sake of making themselves look better. It sounds like this is what is happening with you.
I hope whatever hardships you are facing now are transient and not too serious.
Keep reaching for it all, Andy. Only you can make it happen.
11:17 AM
the japanese hate you because youre 6 foot.
imagine their loathing for me as im 6'4".
6:46 AM
*stands and applauds*
That's tellin em!
12:54 PM
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