I'm a Snob
I seem to have a reputation in my office as being a bit of a snob.
Well, among my female co-workers at least. The guys around here couldn’t give the slightest of shits.
We have a hot receptionist, it has to be said. Quite the looker. All the guys in the office here always seem to find something to do that requires them to go past reception.
And then they stay there, chatting about their pets, their house and their weekends. Before long, they’ve invited her out for a night with their mates (if she’s not busy).
Invariably, she is always busy. But I can’t begrudge the guys here for at least giving it a whirl.
And the guys here all flirt with the women, and the women giggle and laugh. And then they scorn the not-so-attractive guy who tries to flirt with them.
And then they scorn the guy who they perceive is a sleazy womanizer, who spends his whole conversation regaling their breasts of his weekend exploits.
But I’m a snob, apparently.
Because I don’t spend half an hour chatting with the receptionist. Because I don’t invite them out for drinks after work. And because I don’t feel compelled to flirt with them.
Hmph. I never thought I’d be labeled poorly as a result of me treating the women in this office as the professionals they are… or at least WANT to be…
Then again, maybe I am doing this all wrong. Maybe I should leer lecherously at their second-eyes. Perhaps I should invite em out for some fun. Perhaps I should go around slapping them on the arse, and saying, “Lookin’ good today, toots”, before “shooting” them with both my pointer fingers.
After all the times they’ll refuse or resist my “charms”, I’ll suddenly stop one day. I’ll be polite. I’ll be a good boy.
Maybe THEN I’ll get thanked for not staring at their boobs, for not trying to chat them up and for not whacking them on the arse.
Because NOT doing that gets me labeled as a snob.
14 files below
Didn't you know that NOT staring at breasts is a sign of lack of interest and can scar a woman for life? Yeah, snob! :P
PS word verif pimpp!
4:26 PM
Women, I tell ya.......EVIL
PS : Yeah, ur word verification is even worse than Chickybabe's
7:05 PM
Hmmm... I have:
Sounds like some kind of condition for women's reproductive system...
"Oh, we can't have sex this week... the wife has ovigeef"
12:19 AM
Hey, I was browsing Chaser member profiles and came across yours. I clicked on your website and came here.
You haven't posted anything on the Chaser in over a year!
12:19 AM
I take it someone outright accused you of being a snob to your face? Simply reposnd, "Oh I wanted to chat with you, but you were too busy hitting on [secretary's name]" haha, and say it LOUD for all the office to hear. That should divert the heat for a while. ;-)
10:02 AM
Think yourself lucky they didn't assume you were GAY! ;)
1:09 PM
Andy, you're gorgeous. I cant understand why she's not there staring at YOU!
10:51 PM
"...before “shooting” them with both my pointer fingers" -- this cracked me up. Hehe. Say, don't worry about being labelled a snob. If you're reserved like I am, then it's probably where the snobby impression comes from. At work, I kind of socialise when I want to and people get that about me and don't expect anything more or anything less. I am guilty of talking about my dog though. But to anyone who listens (and pretends to care). (Pretending to care is ok by me.) Not to "the lookers".
12:17 PM
that's lame. if they want you to sweat them so badly, why don't they come up and ask you about your pets?
12:49 PM
RevTim: Could kinda work, although I should work on being more popular before I go about being the smartarse :)
Steph: I've been thinking about a comeback for your comment for five minutes now... and I've come up with nuthin'. NUTHIN'! Although it has gotten out that I'm "damaged goods"
Ms Smack: Awwww shucks yousa makin' me blush. But I'm also tucked away up the back of the floor. Hardly the best place to be perved on.
Jen: I can understand about being reserved. I'm hardly one to actively pursue human contact, but it doesn't mean I don't like it. But yeah, I'll chat to those who listen... but that also doesn't mean I'll stop by their desk all the time for a gasbag
Cadiz: I guess that's the thing. Do they expect me to simply waltz up and start banging on about my stuff?
1:01 PM
Oh yeah, Intellectual: haven't been to the Chaser for ages. For a site that is supposed to be satirical and funny, it seems to gather a readership of hardline political debaters... which is kinda ironic.
1:03 PM
Haha I get 'aloof' and then from the same person 'don't be too friendly, the guys are getting the wrong idea' i can't win.. Have fun with it ;-)
3:00 PM
I say you start making uncomfortable stares at your male co-workers crotches. Then ask them out for drinks. Snobby, no more!
11:52 AM
You used the word "gasbag". I am now your number one fan.
...but here's another way to think about it. I don't suppose there's much happening at the reception desk and for people whose job is by definition 'meeting and greeting' to have that not happen might seem as if their role is being ignored. Just playing devil's advocate for a change.
10:13 PM
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