Goin' away
I’m going away for a couple weeks. First week I will be up in the Adelaide Hills, sitting around campfires and discussing Asian philosophy and other stuff.
The second week I’m booked in for knee surgery. Yippie.
I cannot wait to wake up and feel like I’m going to hurl at any given moment.
But it’s fairly simple stuff. They make a couple small incisions in my knee, poke around a bit and remove the offending piece of me that causes trouble.
No… not my mouth. That’s not in my knee.
I’ll be walking again the same day, although I have been advised to be escorted home with a mature adult. And to not operate heavy machinery.
Well… I did have something to write about… such as local radio personality Lehmo complaining in the newspaper today about how crap Adelaide drivers are.
Thanks Lehmo. Like you’re going to fix the place with one single article. I think there have been many articles in the past about how crap on the roads us Adelaideans are. But no one is going to think your whinging is specifically targeted at them.
In fact, even if there was a driver who intentionally cut you off, sideswiped you car, flipped you off, and yelled “Get off the road, Lehmo, you smarmy git”, he still wouldn’t think you were talking about him in your tirade in today’s article.
I think I’ll stop there.
Take care. I’ll see you after my dosage.