I’ve been asked to comment on a topic being aired by SBS’s Insight program. The topic is regarding sexual politics and the opinions voiced in Maureen Dowd’s book, Are Men Necessary? When sexes collide.
The last time I was asked to comment on this show’s topic, I was interviewed, prepared for the show… and then ignored. I don’t think I’ll comment this time around, because I know the topic isn’t worth arguing over.
The genders currently are unequal, apparently. As to which way the scales lean is dependent on your experiences, and possibly on if something dangles between your pegs eleven.
From what I’ve read, there are assertions made that women are being made to look like Jessica Simpson to land a man, and that intelligent women intimidate men… and therefore end up lonely.
The excerpts continue so far as to claim that the Y chromosome has been shedding itself of DNA, like how a Hollywood celebrity sheds themselves of reality, eventually stating that with the current rate of technological development that men won’t be required for reproduction.
Men will become instinct.
But lets not go too nuts (haw haw), shall we? Although a planet populated entirely of lesbians is something that many a male probably dreams about, lets point out a couple things.
If men aren’t that important… then why raise the point about how women try to be like Jessica Simpson to land one? Men are doomed to extinction, so why bother raising the point?
The question is posed about who is to blame for the apparent failure of the feminine movement, and yet I cannot help but think that answering that with a gender is erroneous. Well… to my DNA deficient, low life expectant, cannot ask for directions psyche it is.
Because it is usually the most beautiful women that are applauded by BOTH genders. I find it hard to believe that people would model themselves on someone who is intelligent if they have the face that looks like a run over rubbish bin.
You know… like Margaret Thatcher. In fact, I believed she did a stint with a run over rubbish bin on her head to make her more appealing to the public.
So, if I had my say (which I won’t), I would state that society, both genders, the media and our stupid fucking brains that like beautiful people is to blame.
And… if there were no men left, jars couldn’t be opened, rubbish wouldn’t be moved, lawns would rage out of control, and spiders would rule the planet.
If you would like a copy of the email I received from SBS, feel free to email me. They are seeking participants in the discussion.
But if I see anyone rip off my opinion…
(this post is mostly tongue-in-cheek - I love women. I do)