Now contains nuts.

Friday, July 07, 2006

Gizzabeer, Mr Darcy.

It’s official.

I am old. Or at least, am so far behind the times that the world has gone ahead and changed without me, middle finger aloft in a glorious salute to me and my old fashioned ways.

According to, women are behaving in a masculine manner, and are swearing, getting drunk and driving aggressively. It is suggested that women like this get “more respect”.

Yeah. That is so respectable, I’d slap them across their face… such is the style of the time.

Now, I’m all for women being empowered. There is nothing I love in women more than assertion and confidence. It is incredibly sexy. Furthermore, I can share a few drinks with women and still find them attractive.

In fact… isn’t that what’s supposed to happen… drink until they look good? Anyway, I digress.

I am wondering how I go about saying this without coming across as some woman-chaining, cook-my-meals-I-wear-the-pants-by-the-way-can-you-stock-up-a-few-
more-tins-of-tuna-in-my-bomb-shelter-the-commies-are-a-comin raging sexist.

But… I don’t like “Ockerettes”. I find their yelling antics a pathetic attempt at trying to be “the popular one”. I find that their staggering around drunk, informing me that they’re a great person a useless assertion.

“I tell it like it is” they’ll slur into my face, right before saying something insulting, and then slipping their arm around my shoulder to prevent them from nose diving into the floor.

Frequent statements of just how drunk they are do nothing to endear me to them, nor does it inspire me to slap them, which I am still debating as to whether it is the best means to express my respect.

But this suggestion that women are acting more like men to make them “empowered” seems… silly.

Are they suggesting that women cannot be empowered by acting like women? Am I the only person who sees “acting like men” a step back for women’s movement?

I dunno. Maybe my mere male brain cannot understand this issue. Oh, and I'm old.

5 files below

Blogger ChickyBabe said...

I must be getting old too, since I'm in agreement with you, Mr Darcy. It’s another example of women behaving badly. This is not about equality, but dropping their standards and acting in a rebellious manner against their gender.

Women have been emulating men in the workplace for a few years in order to gain some equality, eg, power suits, masculine behaviour, career over family etc. Yet it’s sad that some chose to lose their femininity socially in an effort to be accepted, usually by other women.

I dunno… young people these days… :P

Lady Chicky

2:29 PM

Blogger Lia said...

As young and female, thanks for this post. I've been saying this for years: that liberation for women is giving them the freedom to be women. This insistence that women can only be empowered by acting like men is saying that being a woman is less than being a man, so if we want to be better, we have to become men. That is just so sad! And it's the antithesis of what I think women's empowerment was meant to be.

12:27 AM

Blogger Steph said...

The "ladette" phenomenon is sweeping the world, and it's sad. I'm all for being assertive, and i can DRINK, but I don't behave in a loutish manner, and neither do my friends.
Ain't nothing appealing about that kind of behaviour from a man or a woman.

1:34 PM

Blogger Andy said...

Actually, Steph, I was about to put up a post explaining that I wouldn't expect people to tolerate ME if I acted in that manner.

Men should show some class as well.

1:39 PM

Blogger M said...

not that I accept that kind of behaviour in a guy either, but anyway - when girls try to be 'one of the boys' they end up as 'one of the freaks' instead. JMO :)

4:31 PM


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