Now contains nuts.

Monday, July 10, 2006

Re: Cancelation of Subscription

Dear Sir/Madam

I would like to cancel my subscription to your catalogue of insights relating to life. It’s not that I haven’t been entertained by your material, it’s just I feel that there is no substance to the philosophies.

I am not an educated man. I lack the piece of paper which qualifies me as an expert in an area, which is my own fault for not applying myself. I realize that this has hence condemned me to life as a Jack of all trades.

With so many different (and contradictory) philosophies on life, I cannot help but wonder whether anything is offered with genuineness, or whether it is said to sound cool.

Those who say “Live life in the moment, and enjoy it while you can” are those I find who are worried about finances, relationships and the future in general.

“Look at the bigger picture” are those I find are impulsive, erratic and unpredictable.

“I tell it like it is. People should be honest” is stated by those who are offended when I tell them like it is.

“Never raise a hand to a woman” has been mentioned by someone I know for a fact has struck his partner.

Everyone knows the best answer for everyone else. Everyone is trying to prove their worth and show that their method of living this life out is truly worthwhile. And with all these ideas, it seems to be confusing people - that to “not follow rules” requires rebellion and breaking of the law, and that being loud and extroverted is akin to “confidence and assertiveness”.

I am finding that the more I read into your material, the more I embrace it, even though the philosophies aren’t what I truly believe in myself. It’s making me become a slave to others’ expectations, and confines me to a strict method of thinking.

I don’t wish to know all there is to know. I don’t wish to tell people what is best for them, nor to profess that I know otherwise. Please disregard all that I have written and said in the past, as I clearly was not thinking correctly.

The more I read, the more rules are created. The more rules, the more limiting the path feels. It’s like wandering a forest and then finding out that everyone has to stick to the hiking trail, inside the barriers.

I want to explore. If people want to follow then that’s up to them.

No one event has led me to cancel my subscription. I just woke up this morning, had a think over morning coffee, and realized that I wanted out.

I want my actions to have no rationale other than “cos I want to”. No more “should”, no more “could” and no more “maybe”.

And “Cos I want to” should be enough explanation for anyone who questions me.

To reiterate, please cancel my subscription to your catalogue. I’ve had enough.

Yours sincerely


10 files below

Blogger Ms Smack said...

hmmm very interesting :)

9:42 PM

Blogger chica bonita said...

*shallow thoughts ahead*

lately, i find myself easily getting jealous of people my age or younger than me who has done better than me. in career, starting a new family, getting married, being able to afford a house and much nicer cars, gorgeous boyfriend, more money, ohh... materialism in short but yeah. *sigh*

am i normal? or am i just plain greedy?

10:00 PM

Blogger Andy said...

HS: Glad I can make you think... I think...

Chica: after I've just spent a post saying about how I shouldn't tell people how to live life...

THe only life that matters to you is your own.

10:53 PM

Blogger ChickyBabe said...


8:33 AM

Blogger Kenneth said...

if the philosophies were all easy and true, then life wud lack the intrigue wudnt it?

PS : Well written

6:02 AM

Blogger Steph said...

Ok, I don't get it. What are you cancelling? Forgive me. I'm blonde.

2:31 PM

Blogger Loudlush said...

I know that you weren't writing that to sound cool... but it was anyway.

3:27 PM

Blogger David Amulet said...

I came this way via ChickyBabe's site. If your experience is like mine, you'll find it hard to cancel subscriptions, real or imagined. Once you're on a list, you're stuck!

Seriously, though, this was a well-written letter. Nicely done.

-- david

5:52 AM

Blogger Mone said...

Hi, I came over from chickys site to. You have a good pint here. love your post. C ya Mone

1:56 AM

Blogger Anastasia said...

Love your entry so much that I've copied & pasted it on my blog too. And of course, I didn't forget to give you due credit. :)

3:35 AM


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