Now contains nuts.

Friday, August 26, 2005

Intelligence = Power?

Men are smarter than women, it seems.

If I were a chauvinist, I would be leaping up and down with joy and proclaiming that stuff that we’ve known all along is now confirmed true… but I’m not one.

Besides… published this story, and that has effectively scuttled any credibility that it might've had.

For nigh on a decade, I’ve been of the opinion that any discussion on which gender is somehow superior is… in a word, stupid.

In two words, fucking stupid.

In a society that pats itself in the back for preaching tolerance, and engendering a harmonious environment so that all people can live in comfort, that we still feel compelled to polarise the populace into two segments seems... stupid. Like, fucking stupid.

Yes, the two genders are different. There are strengths and weaknesses of each. Hell, if my future role is to simply remove the lids from jars and take out the rubbish, I’d be a happy man… as long as I get man’s wages. Heh. Kidding!

But, this whole “men are smarter” thing does rely on some pretty questionable evidence ie an IQ test of 24,000 students. Now, IQ tests in my experience have hardly been an accurate representation of how “smart” someone is.

For instance, I know a man who scored 142 on an IQ test, but he would dig stuck bread out of a toaster with a fork.

Yet, I can’t help but think that the “who is smarter” bit is ultimately pointless. For one, intelligence doesn’t equate to wisdom – which is better? For two, it’s never what you know, it’s who you know. And three, it’s not the intelligent ones who are most applauded in society.

It’s the good looking people who are most revered, respected and honoured. Just compare the coverage of Bali druggie Michelle Leslie (see post below) with the coverage of that bloke who got caught with hashish. Yeah… I don’t know his name; that shows how important he is. There was no news coverage, so he must’ve been ugly.

Ultimately though, the measure of which gender has the power in society can be summed up as thus:

Walking down North Terrace last year, a stunning young woman in a charcoal-grey pinstripe suit was walking the opposite direction on the other side of the road. As it was a safe perving distance, I watched her long, confident strides and her raven black mane with admiration.

… and I nearly walked smack into a bus shelter.

Years ago, I was driving on North East road. It was a hot day. A blonde woman was standing on the sidewalk, talking with friends. She was wearing cut-off denim shorts. I didn’t see much else, because I had to jump on the brakes suddenly to prevent slamming into the car in front of me.

So, are men smarter? Just ask the dopey looking bloke who is staring dumbfounded at passing women, drool slightly trickling out the side of his agape mouth.

EDIT: I've just been perusing the reader response to the news dot com article, and it's confirmed. We are living in the Dark Ages.

9 files below

Blogger Ms Smack said...

haaaaaaaaaaaaahahahahah love it!

5:04 PM

Blogger iluvnyc said...

i love cadiz12's comment... 'cuz it's so true...

taken f/ 'my big fat greek wedding'... man may be the head, but woman is the neck :D

5:59 PM

Blogger Jenni said...

I would dearly love to put in a plug for the smartness of our female group.

But I would be lying if I didn't say that one time I nearly collided with a queue of people at the bus stop because I was staring at a hot female. She had an amazing body, face and was amazingly dressed.

12:06 AM

Blogger Andy said...

I forget who said this, but someone supposed "The stronger gender is actually the weaker gender, because of their weakness for the opposite gender"

Hmm... makes you think. Makes you think there're some silly people out there, dreaming up silly phrases.

Jen: I honestly think that just makes up stories a la Stephen Glass, just to get a response. For every smart woman, there's a dumb one... for every smart man, there's a dumb one. The philosophy that because more people of a specific gender are higher in IQ, therefore that gender is "smarter" is problematic...Maybe they could look at it the opposite and test how many of each gender scored the lowest on the IQ test. How many men scored lower than, say 90? Was it more than women?

11:51 AM

Blogger Ms Smack said...

Andy, your quote made me think about submissive (normally femme) and dominant (normally male) r'ships, from the 'official' lifestyle.

Does a submissive person ultimately have the power because by being submissive they allow the dominant one to be stronger?

ok, I kinda screwed that up, but do you know what I mean?

Im not talking about a weak woman who cant stand up for herself. Im referring to those women who sit at their masters feet and are 'controlled' with discussed boundaries etc.

NB: honeysmack is in no way associated with any sexual practice that involves bondage, pain, submission, dominance, and bodily fluids.

1:35 PM

Blogger chica bonita said...

For one, intelligence doesn’t equate to wisdom...

you say it all, mate!

3:30 PM

Blogger Andy said...

Honeysmack: Regarding the submissive/dominant thing... I dunno. With what you speak of, for the submissive person to allow the dominant person power, they would have to reap some benefit from behaving like that.

But being submissive, by nature and by definition of the word, oftentimes involves personal sacrifice and compliance ie giving up personal desires for the sake of keeping the peace.

More often than not, that often encourages the dominant one to demand more, require more and more submission... ultimately leading to an abusive relationship in where one person is the sole focus.

Sacrificing personal desires often leads the submissive person to feel unloved, unimportant... even useless.

That doesn't sound like power to me.

Or have I missed your point? :)

Chica: Don't I just? :)

9:09 AM

Blogger Ms Smack said...

meh, I dont know. Im talking more about a loving equal relationship where they practice submission and dominance in the bedroom.

God, i sound like such a deviat.

i'll research it and get back to you

12:54 PM

Blogger Andy said...

Well... then I guess you're speaking of pre-determined roles. Being allowed to be the dominant one can lend itself to a feeling of power... but when it comes to the bedroom, I can't help but think that it's a mutual benefit.

Maybe some like to be dominated...? ultimately, relinquishing power, to make the other person feel powerful...?

I dunno... needs more contemplation.

4:56 PM


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