Now contains nuts.

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Back in Print... (confirmed)

I got an email today from my editor. It turns out that a piece I submitted to him will indeed get published in October this year.

It’s good to be back in the game, especially since my last piece published was in December last year. Funnily enough, October was when my first piece was published.

I am sure the moment I mention that the article is for one of Australia’s largest independent videogame magazines, most of my readership will roll their eyes, mutter something about “boys and toys” and then click on.

But hey… it’s a bit of extra money in my pocket, and I get to see my name in print again. I feel validated.

7 files below

Blogger cadiz12 said...

very little beats seeing your name in print; no matter what the venue is. congrats.

5:34 PM

Blogger ChickyBabe said...

Heartfelt congratulations, Andy. As I said in the past, I never doubted your writing abilities and what you can achieve. You should indeed be very proud. :)

8:03 PM

Blogger Kenneth said...

Congrats mate, thers nothin like seeing ur name in print, even if its the 100th time.....ur talented and u deserve every bit of the "literary" success that u do acheive, again...Congrats!!!

5:36 AM

Blogger Ms Smack said...

Excellent Andy! Well done !

You do write really well. I love reading your posts.

Did you once say you're writing a book? Whats going on there?

11:52 AM

Blogger Andy said...

Cadiz: That's true, although I would love to see my name up on a billboard in Times Square.

CB: Thanks. Your encouragement has been appreciated.

Kenneth: YOu gotta keep trying yourself, you know. Don't be disheartened by little set backs.

Honeysmack: Yeah, I am working on a novel at the moment. I can't really say much else about it. It has struck a rough patch, namely finding time... but it's coming along.

4:36 PM

Blogger Jenni said...

I love having my name in the print...and the only time it was there was because every year 12 student had their name in the paper announcing what university course to which they were able to gain entry.. when I had my essay printed as a prize winner in a national classical languages nerdy..

7:47 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

Congrats, Andy! It doesn't matter what type of article it is, I think getting something published is fantastic :)

5:57 PM


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