Now contains nuts.

Thursday, July 21, 2005

Question to the Cosmos

I’ve asked the cosmos this question many times before, but no more does it apply now.

What… the… fuck… is… your… problem…???

A while ago, I mentioned something about not getting a job that I had an interview for. Well, a mere two seconds prior to me printing out my application for a job in Japan, I receive a phone call from the chair of the interview panel for that job.

It turns out that the guy who got the job doesn't want it, so now they have to give it to number two.


I’ve spent the last 5 years being treated like number two, so I’m used to it.

But her timing was impeccable. Almost uncanny at how my phone rang just as my mouse was loitering over that little printer icon in MS Word.

To put it bluntly, I would be an idiot to turn this job down. It’s permanent. It’s at the pay rate I want at the moment… and it’s in a field that I enjoyed working in previously.

But… the question still stands. WTFIYP?

It’s a conspiracy, I tells ya. Yep. You heard me.

I’m comforted by the idea that some ethereal force is out there, screwing with my life, as opposed to a sequence of random events that coincidentally occurred during a certain phase of my day.

It’s easier to blame someone for your headfuck, than to blame circumstances.

Besides, I like the idea that when I die, my spirit can walk up to the jerk that has his fingers on my strings and punch him in the mouth. At least then I have something to look forward to in death.

8 files below

Blogger ChickyBabe said...

Why the negativity? (unless this is tongue in cheek then I take it back). Instead of looking at it as a "number 2", embrace it as an opportunity that has recognised you and presented itself to you.

Aren't you the one who belives in karma?


7:33 PM

Blogger Ambrrrr said...

glad to hear you got a good job :)

12:33 AM

Blogger Sherri said...

Sounds like a pretty good deal to me.....although it does keep you from taking the plunge and going to Japan. Why don't you try to get the job in Japan anyway? If you don't get it nothing lost, and if you do........

1:53 AM

Blogger Andy said...

CB: The negativity I think comes from the fact that the whole process of waiting for them to make a choice on this job has been an almight head-screw. That's all. :)

Amber: Cheers! Welcome!

Sherri: I'd like to give this job some time to settle I think, before I go off overseas. I don't think they'll take too kindly to me being in the job for a month before requesting 12 months leave without pay... it wouldn't go down too well...

Besides, I might need this job when I get back from Japan.

8:03 AM

Blogger Kaufman said...

Mate, I wouldn't take this job for the following reasons [not in alphabetical order or order of importance for that matter]:

Based on your description of the hiring procedure [i.e. none] they sound like a pack of cunts [pardon my lack of adequate synonyms].

They didn't want you in the first place [no offence intended] and the guy [I'm assuming] they wanted obviously saw something in their ways that troubled him. Therefore, I've based my conclusion, which I have stated above this point, that they're a pack of cunts [apologies...lack... synonyms...].

Being considered second best is great. Many people don't know the feeling of being considered second best at anything [I do. I love it.], so your karma is most likely in a stabilised state. Good for you, Andy.

Apart from these three points, I hope you didn't accept the position without negotiating the terms:

An immediate twelve-month departure for a job and unforgettable lifetime experience in Japan.

A two-month up-front signing bonus, in case things don't work out in Japan, and the immediate commencement of your position upon confirmation that the Japanese thing fell through.

Full dental and medical cover.

Other things that I can't quite think of momentarily but I'm sure you can.

Bastards! How dare they treat you like a new employee?

1:54 PM

Blogger Andy said...

Thanks BT351 :)

I haven't accepted the job yet. I've got a meeting with them next week.

Whilst the things you cite are indeed true (i had actually thought that they were too screwed up to warrant working for), there are two underlying drivers behind my contemplating this job.

Pay. More of it

Security. Lots of it.

I already have private health insurance, so those other things aren't a major worry. :)

But eventually I will let them know about Japan... and my intention to go. They won't be able to fully replace me for two years as the act governing the position won't allow it.

So if I come back from Japan early, they have to turf out anyone temporarily filling the position so that I may resume my duties.

3:44 PM

Blogger Kaufman said...



6:15 PM

Blogger chica bonita said...

i say it's a blessing. it's all up to you to make the decision now.

good luck, andy. ;-)

5:27 PM


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