Now contains nuts.

Sunday, July 24, 2005

Andy Spice

I was in Rundle Mall on Friday night. I had a raft of things to do, and my mind wandered down many alleys whilst simultaneously considering my to-do list.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, two girls appear directly in front of me.

“Hi, sorry… this is embarrassing.” One started.

Juddered out of my state of mind, I smile and say, “That’s okay…”

“This is a bit random…” the other expanded.

“Rrrrright…” I ventured.

“We are entering this competition, right?” the first one continued, “We need to get photos of people pulling a pose like Posh Spice.”

The brain fired many nerves. These people spoke the words that haunted my brain ever since 1997, the band that was the bane of my existence. The Spice Girls.

“So… like a pout or something?”

“Yeah, that’ll do…” the second one said.

Automatically, I began contemplating the various pieces of vitriol I could spout at the mere suggestion that my visage be somehow tied in with the “band” that caused near irreversible damage to my ear drums in the past.


I complied. So now, there are two girls wandering around this city with a photo of me pulling off some bizarre facial expression, probably saying to each other, “I can’t believe we convinced this guy to pull a face for our camera!!!”

But still, someone managed to mention the Spice Girls in my presence, and I didn’t clamp my hands over my ears, curl up in a foetal position and shout, “Bah, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, not listening, la, la, la, think happy thoughts, la, la, la!!!!!!!!!”

I think I’m making progress away from being the music snob I am…

10 files below

Blogger X said...

Come on, Andy. How about immortal lines such as 'I really really really want a zig-a-zig-ah'?

I'm kidding. I feel kinda dirty after typing that.

*goes to have a long, hot shower*


7:37 PM

Blogger ChickyBabe said...

HA HA HA HA!!!! Andy pouting and posing for the camera...that I gotta see! When is the video clip coming out??

7:56 PM

Blogger Jenni said...

How can you be sure they really were entering a competition? And if they win, shouldn't you be entitled to the prize! haha

When the Spice Girls were in reign, I was in London. When it came time to leave to go back home, I called my younger sister to ask her what she wanted me to bring back. She and her friends wanted me to bring all the Spice Girls memorabilia around. It was an easier shopping task than buying a bottle of water.

9:32 PM

Blogger Kenneth said...

Pouting....damn that wud be a pic....I have to shed my image of being a music snob too, but its a hard trait to surrender

5:01 AM

Blogger Andy said...

X: I particularly like the idea of that if I wanna be their lover, I gotta "get with" their friends... unless I've misheard the lyrics...

CB: Video is in post production. It will probably be used for the next Backstreet Boys single.

Jen: I dunno if they really were entering a comp, but if the prize has anything to do with the Spice Girls (and I have a feeling it does), they can keep it... unless it's a chance to meet them - I'd never pass up an opportunity to give them a stern talking to.

Kenneth: It's not easy to give it up. I know I was biting my tongue so that I didn't tell these girls off for not having better taste.

7:48 AM

Blogger cadiz12 said...

obviously these girls must have been cute. music snobs are hard to convince. way to be a good sport, andy.

9:14 AM

Blogger Kaufman said...

I think I've seen those two. This one time, I saw them get out of a Time Machine that appeared out of slightly thickish air near Intensity [Marion]. Weirdest thing that.

9:43 AM

Blogger Andy said...

Cadiz: They were cute in a shy and timid way. Kinda like how you take pity on a wet, shivering puppy…

BT351: Funny you mention that. I’m sure that a thick fog suddenly descended onto the mall just as these girls appeared… maybe they’re doing a project in a future high school: The Effect Of The Spice Girls Upon Mainstream Australian Society. Case point; gratuitous pouting was rife in the early to mid twenty-oh’s.

10:30 AM

Blogger Unknown said...

Thanks a lot... I almost had them out of my mind...

4:26 PM

Blogger chica bonita said...

hahaha... i can so imagine that, andy. you. and posh spice? hahahaha

5:40 PM


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