Now contains nuts.

Sunday, June 12, 2005

Own best company

This weekend is a long weekend in our country. It's the "Queens Birthday" weekend, so as a result, we get an extra day to sleep in, or consume an alcoholic beverage.

Or five.

I just back from a little sojourn down the Fleurieu Peninsula, to a little town by the name of Goolwa. I'd put up a link to this town's tourist site, but frankly, I can't be fucked. So stiff shit, and I doubt anyone would check it out, anyway.

This past week marked a few significant milestones. For one, I sold my car - the car owned by me and the wife. For two, I got my cheque from the sale of my house, and I'm now officially debt-free. Time to go blow it all on worthless crap, like a shit load of mixed candies, iPods and Telstra shares.

So a trip away was warranted. What beter way to mark a new found freedom than by pinching a friend's car and pissing off down to a small country town? Other than getting blind drunk and announcing to all and sundry that they should get "intercoursed".

Going back about six years, I went by the motto of "Sometimes you are your own best company". This was when I was going through some melancholy bout of lonliness, and I needed something to get me through the phase known commonly as "between girlfriends".

This little trip away did remind me of that little motto I conjured out of my own imagination aka self-righteous bullshit.

To sit down, relax and be at one with my own head was probably the best thing I could've done this weekend. I no longer have any more stresses in my life, and this weekend was a marker of freedom.

Also, that when I don't have anything to do, and that I'm seemingly alone, I can entertain myself with something worthwhile ie going out and writing what I feel, walking down the beach, just hopping in the car... and just being me.

That and eating the fattiest, sloppiest take away that is only available in country areas. YOu know... they just seem to pack on a tonne of everything onto their burgers, which leaves rolling on your back, grasping at the phone in a vain effort to dial the ambulance.

It's a great feeling to know that I'm only accountable to me. I can do whatever I feel like, and not have to worry about ramifications. I can buy what I want, do what I want, and be what I want.

I'm going to Sydney next weekend. Because I want to. Also, to see my brother, but mainly because I want to...

I have no other point to this post other than i'm feeling good.

Oh, and the Goolwa Billy Baxters cafe has the... cutest... waitress...


7 files below

Blogger chica bonita said...

i'm happy for you. i truly am!:-)

and i don't think queens birthday is applicable in WA, or rather the movie marathon at hoyts isn't. damn!

10:54 PM

Blogger Jenni said...

Ah, to stunning Sydney you come. How often do you visit your brother?

11:04 PM

Blogger Kenneth said...

Its awesome to find urself and just live by ur own terms

12:23 AM

Blogger ChickyBabe said...

There's nothing like a bit of "me time" to recharge the batteries. Or by the sounds of it, to get you purring...

10:11 AM

Blogger cadiz12 said...

you'll have to go back for the greasy food and her number.

2:56 PM

Blogger Andy said...

Chica: Thanks. Bummer to hear about the wacky WA holidays.

Jen: Not often enough, it seems. Ho well. One can try, and one has only limited funds.

Kenneth: don't I know it. Simply getting away was a good thing.

CB: I only purr when I travel :)

Cadiz: I'll go the greasy food, but she reeked of "boyfriend". I can tell these things... won't stop me perving, though.

3:10 PM

Blogger Sherri said...

Glad to see that your feeling good for a change. I envy your autonomy and new found freedom (at times). Enjoy it! :)

7:59 PM


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