Now contains nuts.

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

A Wit Sharp Enough To Mash Potatoes

Train wreck in Osaka… which is the city where I intend to stay. Also, there’s the rising tensions between Japan and China due to atrocities being glazed over in some book thingy.

Damn long-term memories.

Are these warning signs to hold off going to Japan? Or is it some reassurance? I’d figure that because there has been a train crash, the appropriate action will be taken to ensure that it doesn’t happen again.

Which is a typical Government method of closing the gates well after the cows have waltzed out the paddock and trampled on your dog.

But then there’s the whole bizzo with K. So I’m supposed to entertain thoughts of being with someone when I intend to piss off in a matter of 6 or so months? Doesn’t sound like a top idea, does it?

Anyway, we’ll cross that bridge when we get to it, yeah? In the meantime, I’m going to torture myself with retrospective retorts to the cutting remarks made by K the other night…

(Note: parts of this conversation did not happen… well… only the parts in where I spoke. Her parts are repeated as best as I can recall. Feel free to juxtapose my responses below with “yeah, you’re right” and you get an idea of how the conversation actually went. Naturally, as I’m blatantly spouting out responses here that I wish I had said, the conversation below loses some coherence)
Her: I can see it in your eyes that you’re putting this wall up. Obviously you don’t want to hurt me.

Me: Perhaps, but do you honestly think that I’d willingly hurt people especially after what I’ve been through? The way you’ve been keeping me at arms length makes it clearly obvious that you too have been through a lot, and are wary of getting your hopes up.

Her: Yeah, I know I’m right. When you were in the lounge room with my friends, I could see that you were far too self-conscious. You are too busy worrying about what people think of you. You should just let go. Just fucking let it go.

Me: So you think it’d be easy to simply throw away a trait that has been honed and conditioned over 27 years of my life, just because you say so? I’m afraid it isn’t that simple, deary.

Her: *satisfied look* You’re just so tense! You need to simply have fun.

Me: You make it sound like I’m totally incapable of having this said “Fun”. If I wasn’t so shy and self-conscious right now, I’d…

Her: You’re so scared of me. I can see it.

Me: So, being totally pole-axed from someone who I’ve only met twice is a normal occurrence? Besides, who the hell are you to bang on about being self conscious and scared when you seem to wear modest clothing, and hide your own insecurities behind a wall of disarmingly blunt comments?

Her: *again with a satisfied look* Well, you shouldn’t be scared (barrage of compliments flow).

Me: *blinks* Thank you (Note: I actually said that… not “yeah, you’re right”)

Her: I could tell you were apprehensive when you didn’t kiss me on the first night.

Me: Well, it didn’t feel right at the time (Note: I actually said that… not “yeah, you’re right”), but you fail to recognise that I had smoked ten thousand cigarettes that night and my breath would’ve totally killed a bull (Note: I totally wished I had said that)!

Her: You never know when the right time is, do you? You just don’t let go of your… *clicks fingers in front of my face as she notices my eyes glaze as I try futilely to grasp onto some retort* Oi! Oi! Attention back on me! (she actually did this - I’m not exaggerating) You have too many inhibitions you need to let go of.

Me: Do you think that being attracted to someone like you isn’t incredibly intimidating? Do you think I didn’t want to kiss you? Again, your self-consciousness is seeping through a bit. I’m willing to bet that you wondered why I didn’t make the first move, and it’s only after discussing the situation with your other ultra-intelligent, academic university friends that you managed to define my “psychological profile” in such an accurate and succinct manner.

Her: Well, you can’t just sit there and say “you’re right” all night, you know.

Me: I can say whatever the fuck I like, you know. I’m totally not intimidated by you at all. Honest. Really. Don’t look at me like that.

Her: Stop saying, “You’re right!”
Well, like I said… because I’m adding things in there that I wish I had said, the conversation doesn’t make much sense, but I think you get the idea of what I’m getting at:

My wit is as blunt as a bowling ball sitting on top of another bowling ball, wrapped in bubble-wrap which is then trimmed down to get rid of the sharp corners at the edge of the sheet.

Oh, and hindsight is a marvellous thing.

But yeah, this chick so has my number down, and it’s fucking scary.

16 files below

Blogger chica bonita said...

so cute!!!

sorry, that was the closest thing that came to my mind after finish reading the entire conversation.

and you're right, you've met your match in her.

and with japan, you know it's entirely your choice but if i were to be in your position, i'll leave without thinking twice. new place, new environment - a good momentary change. but *shrugs* it's your life. remember what you once told me? "whatever happens, happens..."

1:22 PM

Blogger Kenneth said...

Y do u have to go to Japan? if u dont mind me asking.

P.S - Totally incoherent conversation, that! K seems perfect! the incoherent conversation is a sign.

Jeff Buckley - the sky is a lanfill is playing in the background.

2:05 PM

Blogger Andy said...

Chica: I'm still intending to go, but this is just a small curve ball. Also, K wants to go to New Zealand to teach, and my aunty lives there... as a teacher.

So I'm helping her a bit, too.

Kenneth: I don't HAVE to go to Japan, it's just something that I wanna try to do. I had been toying with the idea, and now that I'm a free man, I'm exploring all options. For a period there, it felt like Australia wanted me OUT! ... And I was more than willing to go...

But, we'll see how we go. It's still early days with K, and we're still sorta feeling out what it is we want from each other.

3:14 PM

Blogger Kenneth said...

Oh!...i thought Japan was a work assignment thing.

5:21 PM

Blogger ChickyBabe said...

I can smell the fireworks! She wants you lucky guy.

9:42 PM

Blogger Andy said...

Just got off the phone with her. I think I managed to clamber some ground back... I might have HER thinking for a change...

Score for Andy!

Me: 1
Her: 649

10:59 PM

Blogger Andy said...

oh and the Japan thing will be for work, but not for the company I'm with now. I'm just hoping to start a new career...

11:00 PM

Blogger jazz said...

don't hate me but i didn't think that conversation was cute at all! if i were you i would have been so annoyed by her controlling, "i know it all, you're pathetic and know nothing, i'm a genius" demeanor. if i ever said that stuff to a guy, even if it were true, i would not blame him for walking away. in fact, if it were true and if i thought you were insecure or shy or any of those things she pegged you for, i'd never confront you like that! it's almost mean. why not be a little more nurturing than make you feel like an idiot?

12:22 AM

Blogger Andy said...

Jasmine: Nah, couldn't hate you for speaking frankly. That would be applying a certain set of rules for one person and a different set for another. You're entitled to your opinion.

It wasn't so much she made me feel like an idiot, but she just made me think. Yes, it was confrontational, and I felt a little intimidated, but never once did I feel totally uncomfortable.

Look, I won't jump to her defense any more, as I'll appear as "infatuated and blindly besotted".

I appreciate the honesty, Jasmine. Trust me.

7:56 AM

Blogger jazz said...

oh, well thanks for not banning me from your blog ;)

i just kept reading and thinking, "back off lady!" i was definitely feeling confronted just by reading it. very glad she didn't make you uncomfortable though. i would feel like i was being attacked if i was getting so much put at me without having a fair chance to respond (and, "yeah, you're right" is not an adequate response). i, however, am the quickest thinker ever. i always have a speedy response (and always a good one)...i have about 6 solid years of debate team experience and 2 of moot court experience though so don't feel bad!

12:16 PM

Blogger Andy said...

Well, I was trying to comprehend what she was saying fully, which fighting off the fog of sleep, and three light beers...

I wasn't in the position of arguing the point. Although I do like the idea that won't simply sit back and accept what I say.

She's a challenge... and I'm up for it.

1:20 PM

Blogger cadiz12 said...

as someone who habitually thinks of the perfect thing to say 20 minutes after saying, 'yeah, you're right,' even if i don't really think they're right after further consideration, i have to say it's tough being put on the spot like that. way to hang through it, andy.

my question is, if you didn't make a move, why the hell didn't she if she wanted you to so badly?

4:33 PM

Blogger Andy said...

Cadiz, that's the question I put to her that had her on the back foot...

I think she's harbouring some kind of self-esteem thing, too... and she places up a front to disarm others.

But that's the over-analysist in me...

4:50 PM

Blogger Andy said...

Oh and she's apprehensive about me being technically married still. Probably a bit paranoid that i'm not "over" the wife.

Pish posh. Those feelings are dead.

4:52 PM

Blogger cadiz12 said...

that's the thing with people like that; sometimes all the bravado and pseudo confidence is just an umbrella they're peaking out from under. good for you for calling her bluff.

i hate all these dating mindgames. if i apply chapstick in his presence, is he going to assume that's an invitation to try and kiss me? if i apply chapstick in his presence, is that my subconscious inviting him to kiss me? after he kissed me, does that mean it was just a test to see how easily i'd give in? and what else does he expect now?

ugh. i hate dating.

6:24 AM

Blogger Andy said...

In a way, I probably deserved what K did. I've been far too judgemental on people lately, so I think it was time that I learned what it felt like.

Maybe now I won't be so judgemental of people. People don't like it.

9:04 AM


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