Now contains nuts.

Saturday, April 30, 2005


I am seeing a nifty new trend in the world of blogs. It is a new twist that I never thought possible from simply spewing your thoughts out to the faceless and nameless people out there.


The community out there simply does not read a blog and comment on it just so they can draw readership to their blog, and then bask in the glory of commentopia. People are being touched by the simple words of others, and then are inspired to run their own take of the entry.

It's a two-fold benefit. On one hand people are taking the time to reflect upon themselves, and look at blogging as more than a egocentric pastime. On the other hand, the author that originally inspired the idea gets a nice warm fuzzy feeling knowing that they've had a subtle influence on their readership.

Of course, it has lent itself to a certain type of paranoia surrounding their motives for blogging.

But to be building a small community, and therefore a caring and sympathetic audience, can only be seen as a good thing. Yes, a blog should be a personal thing, but inspiration in this day and age seems to be something in short supply.

I've seen far too many selfish, stubborn and flatly narrow minded people simply faking their way through life, that to see reflection and dogged desire to stop and think is very refreshing.

Personally, I have been somewhat inspired myself. Watching people go through their trials, and then come out the other side a stronger person is a good thing to watch and read.

To all you bloggers, keep going. I look forward to the day where you cease to blog because your life is far too satisfying to warrant words.

Forgive my over sentimentality... but this asylum that I call life is not without surprise.

5 files below

Blogger ChickyBabe said...

What a beautiful summation of the realities of blogging, and the joys we receive from it. This seems to be the week for that kind of reflection. I could not have put it better myself, but then I am not the great Andy who can make words flow like magic.

There is a warm and fuzzy feeling that flows both ways, from the author to the commenter and vice versa. Only if we could capture that and keep it with us at all times. We may all be blogging for a reason but I sincerely hope when our lives are full and satisfying, we still maintain those friendships.

11:45 PM

Blogger jazz said...

i worry about those who do not have lives other than this blog. will not name any names, but there's a girl i read who is on vacation and has been calling in audioposts about once every half hour. BE ON YOUR GODDAMN VACATION! don't be here. it's sad.

on an up note, the people i've met here are lovely. if only they weren't all on different sides of the world so we could all grab a beer someday.

11:50 PM

Blogger Kenneth said...

Blogging has indeed evolved from the "commentopia" phase, to a place where we realise that other people may have similarly fucked up lives, if not more.....and see how they cope with it.....the coping, which we then unknowingly implement ourselves.

4:50 AM

Blogger Andy said...

Thanks guys.

Chicky: I think that blog is a good vehicle to make some fine friends, whether they stay in text form or somehow manage a real life meeting, ultimately it's a good thing. To cite an example, you've been an immense help these last couple days.

Jasmine: I cannot fathom the idea of revolving a life around a blog. ALthough, my blog has been going a bit ape poop lately, but I'm sure once life perks up, I might not be posting daily like I am now. Oh yeah... NY is on my agenda to visit... whether it's before I head to Japan or after, I don't know. Well... either way... beer sounds good.

Kenneth: Some would say it's erroneous to compare your own life with that of others. But I guess if others can serve as a kind of warning... then so be it. :)

6:35 PM

Blogger Sherri said...

Very nicely said.

I have been amazed by the depth and talent of many bloggers out there in "virtual world". I have also been deeply touched by things others have said and also comforted by having an outlet for my thoughts and general "rantings".

I think sometimes it's easier to get an anonymous connection than a true real-life personal connection. We all need to remember how to do that.

On another note, enjoyed your blog. I look forward to reading more.

10:38 PM


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