Now contains nuts.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Sojourn Part Deux

I am not back in this country for three months and I am already planning the next trip away.

Nope, not heading back to Japan just yet. That’s a bit later.

Andy is goin’ on Safari.

Yep, I am off to Africa to gallivant around with lions and tigers and murderous creatures (oh my!).

Of course, it is pending on whether there is a spot free for me… but I’m ready to go.

So yeah, September 2007 is the date for when I go bush.

Stories I have heard so far:

Building a campfire at night time and watching the elephants gather around you to have a look.

A buffalo running through the campsite, tailed closely by a couple lions.

One man sleeping soundly in his (big) tent, only to be rudely awakened by the giant leopard that had been sleeping in the tree above him… by falling on his tent.

Naturally, I don’t know if people are having a lend of me when they’re telling me these stories… but it sounds exciting nonetheless.

There will be other activities involved, like tracking, which will come in handy when I return home to do my stalk… oh… wait… I’ve said too much.

There will be elephant dung tea!!!!! Um… Yay!

So, basically I will be spending an obscene amount of money to go to a country far away, to hang about with large animals with sharp protrusions that could kill me without batting an eyelid and sit around drinking elephant shit.

All this fun, and more… just to learn to be a better stalker.

Man, it is going to be so much fun.

6 files below

Blogger reverendtimothy said...

Sounds like an awesome adventure to me!!

Just try not to get eaten, OK? :-P

10:16 AM

Blogger ChickyBabe said...

Andy's Adventures on Safari sound like a brilliant holiday!

So why you want to be a better stalker?!

12:13 PM

Blogger Steph said...

What an awesome holiday that will be.
Can't wait for the stories that will follow it.

12:32 PM

Blogger Ms Smack said...

Hey Andy. Certainly there are some amazing safari stories out there, and its an absolute adventure. There are also some graphic violent gangs patrolling known white areas, car-jacking, hotel hi-jacks and the lot. Please research it thoroughly.

Sorry to burst bubbles but I'd hate for you to go over there unprepared. Obviously there are safe cities to hang in, and unsafe to avoid.


10:14 PM

Blogger Andy said...

Tim: I'll try, but I don't think I have much choice if a instinctual killer turns on me. :)

CB: ALl the better to stalk you with, my dear.

Thanks Steph: No doubt the stories will involve me making some faux pas. "Hey Ms Lioness. Do all prostitutes wear lioness outfits?"

Cath: I was aware of johannesberg and its carjackers. Thankfully I will be spending most of my time on the reserve...

However, if worse comes to the worst, I'll make sure the car has those nifty flame throwers under the doors... ha. Have you seen those????? OMG!

9:21 AM

Blogger Ms Smack said...

lol cheers luv. Sorry to dampen the post but meh, I dont wanna see images of you on Channel ten news.


11:46 AM


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