Now contains nuts.

Friday, June 02, 2006

The Grim Maw

Oh dear.

Oh… fucking… dear.

I think I am about to vomit.

Channel 9… seemingly not so content to wring the last drop of dignity from Heckle and Jeckle (AKA Those Beaconsfield Miners) after plonking down two mill for a chat about Rocks… seem to think that the personal anguish of one of their own “journalists” is something worth hoisting on us.

Tracy Grimshaw… I don’t know who the hell you think you are, but no one fucking cares about your “anguish” at seeing a pair of starving miners wandering out of an elevator, probably looking for the straightest – and therefore shortest – beeline to the can.

Speaking to The Women’s Weekly, Tracy will regale us with how the Beaconsfield Affair was “shattering and life-changing”

What I want to know: is she talking about the heart-wrenching tale of two men surviving a cave in?

Or is she referring to that horrible botch-job of a face pull she had done by Bob’s Backyard Plastic Surgeons?

I mean, come on Tracy. No one cares how the Beaconsfield Brouhaha fucked you up in the head, so that topic is redundant. In fact, no one cared how you looked either, so you having plastic surgery was redundant too.

I am more concerned about those people watching Channel 9 who’re horrified by the way your cheeks don’t move when you talk, and you look like the stunt double for Mrs Doubtfire.

That’s causing me anguish.

7 files below

Blogger Ms Smack said...

I havent read the article, nor will I, but I hope its based about her respect for long time, journalist Richard Carlton who I believe she witnessed dying.

Im not interested in her take about the Miners, and how it affected her - thats her job. Richard however, is a different kettle of fish.

I thought his no mercy, punchy interviews were great and fearless.

11:15 AM

Blogger Unknown said...

I'm glad I'm not the only one who's been thinking she looks a little freaky!

10:48 PM

Blogger Kaufman said...

Having been in Japan yourself recently, perhaps you'll side with me momentarily, perhaps by pretending, when I ask: which fucking miners?

In Japan, Australia is pronounced as Austria. Either that or Oostraria.

BTW, don't answer my question as it's bogus. We download The Chaser every week, so I'm up to date with Tracy's newsworthy status.


2:22 PM

Blogger Andy said...

TGA: no problems. Just so you're au fait with everything down undah, I can let you know that we've made the world cup finals... and we're "world class" because we managed to hold the dutch to a mere goal.

So we're basking in the apparent knowledge that the world is taking us seriously as a soccer nation.

ANyone else from Not Australia want to confirm their knowledge of how awesome we are at soccer? Anyone? It's all over the news here, so it MUST be true...

4:49 PM

Blogger ChickyBabe said...

I can't stand that woman! Another publicity stunt so she gets her new face plastered across trashy women's magazines. She must need to the dollars so badly to fund her next rendez-vous with the plastic surgeon!

7:40 PM

Blogger chica bonita said...

i read the news everyday but i don't know who she is? so i suppose she is not too important. or i'm out of touch with the world. hehe

p.s: andy you're such a drama queen sometimes. :-p

8:59 PM

Blogger Kaufman said...

Yeah, every single one of my kids is asking me who I'll be supporting come June 12th (I think it's June 12th when Australia plays Japan). They're guided by the misconception that I've switched sides because I've lived here for three years. I keep telling them that they're wasting their time and that I will never sway from my corner, waving my opinion proudly: soccer is a game of wank played by wankers.

Go you mighty kookaburras or kangaroos or dingoes or barbecues or whatever the national team is called (the immigrants?)!

11:57 AM


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