Now contains nuts.

Friday, December 09, 2005

Summer Stories

Jen S, I know you've tagged me... and I will do that meme shortly... but I've got this other thing stewing away... and it's below.

Story 1

I was speaking to some friends last night. Their respective industries are retail, and construction. They had just finished up a long day, and were completely exhausted.

And because I was sitting down, scotch n’ coke in hand, in my suit, looking rather fresh, they decided it was time I learned their opinion on the working class structure. Of course, it came across in the whole “you office people have got it made” type of way.

“I would love an office job” quipped one.

“Yeah, you’re not on your feet all day” said the other.

Oh, if only they knew. They didn’t realize that the scotch n’ coke I was holding aloft was my medicine for the idiotitis I’ve suffered these last couple days. My suit was clean, although tell tale signs of worry were there, invisible to the untrained eye – loose tie, shirt sleeves rolled up, my normally spiky hair lying flat, and I seemed fresh due to the two minutes of marinating I did in Escada Sentiment prior to the day’s beginning.

I had the whole reply in my head.

“Do you realize how much I would love to be out in the open? I would love to get some exercise whilst I work as well! I spend my days working on as much of my tan that four fluorescent tubes can provide, and my eyes are completely shot after staring at a radiation tube from point blank rage for eight and half hours.

“If management had any idea, we’d all have laptops with wireless broadband, and we’d be doing our jobs whilst sitting out by the river, pina colada in hand.

“But then there’d be the Occupational Health and Safety concerns, what with wind burn, and all. So we’d have to install canopies. Come to think of it, that would stop the sunburn, too. But canopies wouldn’t let light through, so we’d have to get some illumination. But then we’d have young ruffians giving us a hard time, so we’d have to put in some kind of barrier to prevent them from getting near us. Oh yes, and security personnel would need to be employed just to keep our OHS people happy.

“Okay, so sitting outside is a bad idea, but I would still kill for some fresh air and some active work, like you mob have.”

I really should stop inner monologues earlier.

The End


Story 2

As the weather gets warmer and the days get longer, the environment in Australia changes somewhat. Oh, not just the beauty of nature and the influx of flies that have been long dormant over winter.

But also, if you’re walking anywhere, you are privy to scintillating conversation with people who don’t have air conditioning in their cars.

Ah yes, the insightful dialogue of a car-full of round men who will stare at you when parked at the lights, and will then voice their constructive criticism of you when they drive off and are a couple blocks away.

Because nothing makes me feel more inspired than a person calling me a “fucking arsehole” when they’re 50 metres away. No really. It’s like listening to the glorious sweep of John Williams’ Star Wars theme. Really. No. Really.

I’m sure women have been exposed to the one-way dialogue of the beautiful, lyrical word, “showwusyatitz!”

But I do realize that these people are far more superior to me, and that I should be thankful that they’ve decided to give me something to strive for. I want to be like them, yes I do. I’ve just remembered that I got a hammer-drill for Christmas last year and I’ve been looking for a way to reduce the number of my brain cells.

Whilst residing in Adelaide, Ben Folds once wrote a song in where he states unequivocally that “There’s Always Someone Cooler Than You”. He obviously didn’t spent too much time walking the streets of Adelaide, because out there are the coolest people In The World™

Pity you’ll never get to speak with them, as they’re far too busy giving you their “in-your-face” attitude from a vehicle traveling 50kph away from you.

Oh how I wish, I wish I could be as cool as them. But instead I will have to make do with simply not spending my thousands of dollars on an object that depreciates like Nikki Webster’s “music” career, and I will have to reserve my in-your-face attitude for people’s face.

But this post makes me sound like some summer-hatin’, pasty skinned, bean pole who would much rather spend time indoors than out in the fresh air, which isn’t the truth. I don’t hate summer.

I cannot deny the red-blooded male in me. I wish I was as cool as these guys, because I really, really, really want to impress the myriad of beautiful women with gorgeous legs… because these car-bound epitomes-of-chic obviously do impress the lay-dehs.

I have no evidence to back this statement up, though… I’m just assuming. But the way they persist in this behavior makes me think that they believe they’re doing something right.

And of course they are. They’re heaps cool.

The End


Story 3

Dear Blonde Woman Who Frequents My Floor And Has Started Wearing Shorter Skirts Since The Temperature Has Gone Up

Please refrain from drifting lightly past my cubicle, as I am getting distracted. No really, I actually am distracted by your presence.

If I weren’t such a coward with stunning women, and if I weren’t so adept at smelling the stench of boyfriend, I’d ask you out for a drink instead of whining away on my blog.

I realize that prior to meeting you face-to-face, I actually had quite a few business dealings with you, and I was quite the arsehole, but I would like you to put that aside for a second and do me a huge favour.

Cover yourself up. Stop floating gracefully past. Don’t apply any makeup. Stomp around the floor like a Neanderthal. Don’t appear dynamic and sharp, yet delicate and feminine.

It’s intimidating, and you’re distracting me.

So in finishing, BWWFMFAHSWSSSTTHGU, if you could please comply to my request as soon as possible, it would be greatly appreciated.

Yours sincerely

Guy Who Is Kicking Himself For Being a Rude Prick To You In A Previous Role, And Has Suddenly Realised That He Now Encompasses The Stereotype Of The Geek Who Cannot Relate Well To Women.

11 files below

Blogger reverendtimothy said...

Maybe you could rig the Kris Kringle this year? Gives you an excuse to give her a thoughtful present as a peace offering, and you can take it from there. :-)

12:40 PM

Blogger Steph said...

Ahhhh gotta love summer. The joy and the hatefulness of it.

12:45 PM

Blogger ChickyBabe said...

Story 1 - You forgot special sunglasses that give UV protection and enable us to see laptop screens with clarity. And… do you time it when you marinate yourself every morning? :)

Story 2 – Take solace that they’re not yelling “showwusyatitz!” at you. Not being from Adelaide, do people just abuse others in the streets for the heck of it?

Story 3 – I love it! That was me in the short skirt not long ago, and if that geeky guy who was, shall we say “unhelpful” to me, you, all I can say is…suffer!!!! (nicely of course) :)

2:47 PM

Blogger Kaufman said...

Jeez, mate. If I didn't know any better I'd say your were almost ready to become the unofficial guest contributor at Fudge Puppets; whinge, whinge, whinge, whinge, whinge, whinge, whinge, whinge, whinge.

I have a theory that we all have a time frame of around thirteen weeks between the warm fuzzies from the last holiday / time away from work and the slightest negative incident affecting us as if it were viewed under the world's most powerful microscope.

My most recent encounter where I dealt with my own instability from the onset of familiarity (I'm not implying anything there) cane be found care of this gratuitous plug. ;)

3:34 PM

Blogger Ms Smack said...

Ask her out for Friday night drinks. Even if you send an email around for a group, make sure she's there.

If she doesnt respond, or says she cant make it, use that as an avenue to strike up a conversation.

'hey, you cant make it?" etc etc.

Andy ! You're charming ! Share some of it !

9:19 PM

Blogger Chris said...

Glad to see things are looking up, old pal. All the best.


9:20 PM

Blogger jennifersando said...

Hehe... fluorescent tan. I can relate. And I only got glasses in the last 6 months because I stare at a monitor so much! Damn it!

Story #3 is very sexy indeed. You never know, she could be drifting past your cubicle as womanly as possible for a reason ;-)

3:41 PM

Blogger cadiz12 said...

sometimes women will let a little prickishness slide if the guy seems to have potential.

and jen.nifer's right, few women float without a good reason.

11:08 PM

Blogger meghansdiscontent said...

Not that anyone asked . . . . but jen.nifer and cadiz12 seem to have a very valid point. Rarely (unless your cubicle is in a direct line to the loo) do women float by without a flirtatious agenda.

5:43 PM

Blogger Kath Lockett said...

Hi there Loveypuss,

Re Story 2 - many years ago (1993, when I was at Adel Uni), a red gemini yelled out that always-erotic 'SHOWUSYERTITZ' at me and then roared off.

I felt guilty, then a bit grotty and then extremely angry. As luck would have it, I caught up with them - they were idling at the lights waiting for them to go green.

As it was a warm autumn day, most of the other cars had their windows down. My fury saw me walk over to the P-Plated (of course) Gemini and state loudly: "Only small boys with small dicks yell out to women from their cars."

They shrank down below their window line as the other drivers had a good snigger at their expense. I'd *like* to say that I then strode off with confidence; but really I popped into the BP to stop my shaking and to buy an iced coffee.

As you were,

10:45 AM

Blogger Kaufman said...

That's the way to get your point across, MillyMoo. Methinks more ladies should respond that way to make it quite clear, even to the least educated among us cock wearers, that drongos and drongo one-liners won't suffice in present day Australia, no matter how miniscule or bumfucked the population.

I had a similar experience while I was riding my treadley from Tea Tree Gully to Glenelg, 'cept I was (although I proudly boast delicious man boobs at present) sans boobs. The fuckers yelled for me to 'get off the fucking road' from no less than 30 centimetres to my immediate right.

Putting in a few hard revolutions and catching up with them at the traffic lights afforded me the luxury of wielding my best fuck-off stare. Little was I to know that the ensuing panicked raising of window on their behalf and my own fist into the raised glass would result in shattering of said glass, copious spit and the words 'Fuck off you P-plate driving cunts!' from somewhere deep within.

Ah, Adelaide. Wishing it were Melbourne one day, moronically racist the next. Can't wait to get back, really. At least Stan Grant no longer lives there.

8:43 PM


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