Now contains nuts.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

20 Things

I’ve been tagged by little faerie whom likes to make observations within a small room, whilst residing in a small house. So, here are 20 things about me you may or may not know about me, if you were in any way curious.

1. According to my High School English teacher, I show a “flair in not applying myself”.

2. I hated teachers who had ideas that they were somehow akin to Oscar Wilde; I have nothing to declare but their delusion.

3. My favourite line is from Spike Milligan; “I thought I would begin by reading Shakespeare, but then I thought, ‘Why should I? He won’t read any of mine’”

4. However you may perceive my attitude on this blog, be assured that it is not an accurate representation of my personality… apparently.

5. I’m far less aggressive…

6. I am “competent” at very nearly everything I do, which is kinda depressing in a way. I’d slash my wrists in despair… but I’d probably only be competent at it ie good enough to make a decent wound, but not enough to top myself.

7. I have a tendency to phase out sometimes, often when something important is happening, or is being said. I get frustrated at this quirk, but then I see a fluffy cloud in the sky that resembles a creature from Jim Henson's workshop, and I forget what I was so frustrated with in the first place.

8. Obligatory obvious comment: I am in love with Japan.

9. I am sure that if anyone sees my passport photo, they wouldn't let me into the country. Kinda freaky lookin'

10. I have the photogenia of a vast panoramic view of a sewer channel. No matter how it is set up, I always appear drowsy, hungover, or uncomfortable.

11. My pinkies are bent. Not in the “Maaaan… I just smoked fiiiiive spliffs, and I’m totally, like, bent maaaaan.” They’re crooked. Not in a "politician" crooked way. As in, they’re not straight. Not that there’s anything wrong with that.

12. When I’m leaving work, I tell people that “I’m Off”. Then when I tell the cute girl in accounts to “Fuck Off”, I don’t think she gets the joke…

13. Funnily enough, I don't make many friends in the workplace. I think I'm a mistunderstood comic. People think I'm weird.

14. When I was a kid, I wanted to be a cartoonist. But then I realized that I wasn’t anywhere near as funny, artistic, witty or downright talented as another kid in the class. We became good mates, but I would seriously curse him behind his back. I was a fickle child.

15. I have been told that I look like Matthew Bellamy, lead singer of the band, Muse. Personally, I don't see it. I have also been told I look like Freddy Prinze Jr. Personally, I don't wanna see it.

16. I don’t believe you truly know someone until you’re their enemy. I mean, everyone can act nice, but you don’t know their true nature until they dislike you.

17. This is probably a good time to outline that I tend to piss people off. Most of the time, inadvertently. The fact that I don’t know I’m doing it probably incenses these people more. Nothing frustrates like ignorance, I guess.

18. I love filling out those online questionnaires. Mainly because it gives me a chance to act like a child, and everyone thinks it’s funny… as opposed to immature.

19. I hate the final stages of any project. It always involves me having to push just that extra bit of imagination out in order to get over the line. Sometimes I don’t quite make it as I’ve exhausted my brain in the initial stages, when I have unbridled enthusiasm for the task. At the end, I usually just end up jotting some filler down, just to ensure I met the requirements of the task.

20. Um… I like stuff.

So, there you have it. I hate giving these things to other people… so I’ll leave it open to whoever would like to have a crack at it.

13 files below

Blogger meghansdiscontent said...

Remind me to thank Steph.
You are amazingly hilarious! Color me jealous at your writing abilities.

3:07 PM

Blogger cadiz12 said...

#16. so true. and sometimes when you get caught up in hate yourself, it can be pretty ugly, too.

5:04 PM

Blogger iluvnyc said...

oh i so agree with you on #16...

6:35 PM

Blogger ChickyBabe said...

I coudn't agree with you more on no.16. However, "enemy" is a strong word. You only need to have one strong fight/argument with them to know what they're capable of, and vice versa. And if you manage to survive that, then you really know them. If you don't, they're out of your life, and it doesn't matter any more if you know them or not.

8:56 PM

Blogger Steph said...

You can thank me later Meghan. I find all the bestest blogs in the blogosphere! ;P

The enemy thing is spot on. Very sage. I like it. I'm gonna use it.Thanks.

1:01 PM

Blogger Ms Smack said...


I've met you a few times and I think you're pretty damn alright.

thanks for the list,
Ms Smack

2:57 PM

Blogger Andy said...

Meghan: Here's your reminder. Thank Steph :) I'll give you a reminder telephone call at 3am just to be sure... :)

Cadiz: hate is an easy thing to fall into, as it's often the easiest reaction to any situation of conflict. However, it's not healthy, and you end up hating yourself equally. Nice comment :)

I Heart NY: It's amazing how that item seemed to register with people.

CB: You can have fairly livid arguments with people, but I don't think you get an insight into how petty or vindictive they might be. But hey, it's best to steer clear of these people.

Steph: Meghan has to thank you later. Remind her. Wait, this post was about ME! Oh, I charge $4.95 per quip.

Ms Smack: Yeah, I'm okay when I'm sober and talking about music... :)

3:20 PM

Blogger meghansdiscontent said...

Thanks for the reminder. :)

Hey, have you checked out your family's fingers?? My pinkie fingers are oddly VERY crooked, too. I mentioned it to my mom once. Turns out ALL the females on my Mom's side of the family have the same trait. The men don't. Hmmm ...

8:52 AM

Blogger Ultra Toast Mosha God said...

Note that being competent at suicide IS good enough to complete the action and is one of the rare instances that excelling in said subject is purely a matter of opinion, based on flair for creativity, or morbid fascination with self mutilation.

Either way, you won't be around to bask in the resultant mediocrity/glory of your application.

11:02 PM

Blogger Ms Smack said...

Both of my pinky fingers are also distinctively crooked, one more than the other.

1:41 PM

Blogger Ms Smack said...

oh, my passport picture resembles the elephant man with a huge mulberry coloured birthmark over half of my face...... its just charming :)

1:42 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, well, be happy. My English teacher in high school alternated between telling me I was the best student in the class, telling me I couldn't write to save my life, trying to remember who the hell I was or telling me the Austro-hungarian empire had nothing to do with World War One...he had serious issues.

Ah...someone managed to make a tagged list funny...I likes.


3:46 PM

Blogger reverendtimothy said...

My pinkys are alright, but my index fingers curve towards the middle of my hand, such that if I put my two hands out together palms-down, my hands are together up to the middle knuckle of my finger and then seperate sharply.

Never heard any complaints about that from the ex's, though. :-P Maybe a crooked pinky could be an advantage for you too? Hahaha.

And yes, the end of project time is the WORST. What's the old saying? It takes 20% of your time to get 80% of the work done, but 80% of your time to get the last 20% done? Thankfully I just finished off my most recent project last week, and now I'm just preparing the stakeholder presentation - the fun bit! :-)

1:49 PM


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