Now contains nuts.

Monday, July 25, 2005

Unescapable Truths

Sometimes in life you are faced with certain, unescapable truths. Bills need to be paid, dishes need to be done, and sometimes what you say sounds like it was ripped from that stupid Sunscreen Song that came out years ago.

And the less mentioned about that the better.

Recently, I have awakened to the truth that when people ask me for advice, they really don’t want it. Well, not from me, anyway.

Years ago, I told my ex that she should look into the possibility of doing a massage course, as she seemed to show a flair in that area (on the one or two occasions I got a massage)

“Oh no…” she said, “I simply cannot do that because of [random stupid excuses]”

A year later she begins looking into massage courses, because someone at her workplace suggested it, as she was “good at massage”.


This has happened a few times recently; someone seeking some form of advice comes to me for an outsider’s perspective, and I provide it with honesty, tact and subtle encouragement.

However, there is always an excuse.

They don’t feel confident enough. They don’t think they’d be good enough. They can’t afford to do it. They simply don’t want to…

Until someone else suggests the same thing.

And then it’s Full-Steam-Ahead-Nothing’s-Getting-In-My-Way-Move-The-Fuck-Over-I’m-Coming-Through-And-There’s-Nothing-You-Can-Do-About-It-I-Said-Move-Over-Wanker-Before-You-Get-Squished-As-A-Result-Of-My-Newfound-Zest-For-This-Goal-I-Must-Achieve.

Do these people ask me this just to inflate my ego… just to make me feel like I’m wanted? Do they think I get some form of boost out of providing an outsider’s perspective? Do they believe that I delight in simply filling the silent void with my pearls of “wisdom”…?

Are these people just humouring me, and don’t really care what I think? Are they just asking for my opinion so I can feel included?

Fuck off.

I’ve queried some friends as to whether they simply wanted multiple people to get as many perspectives as possible, but on each occasion they simply shrugged and said, “I just changed my mind.” Yeah. Of course you have.

I am thinking of getting a pad printed with a series of tick-boxes. When someone asks me for advice, I pull out my pad, tick a box and hand it to them before walking off and taking care of my own fucking life.

The tick boxes will have the following next to them:

  • You should go for that job. What’s the worst they could say?

  • I don’t think you should have a Shiraz with fish.

  • Is a new car/house/boat/other-liability sensible considering your other expenses at the moment?

  • You’re too good for him/her

  • Just be honest with them

  • What are you, stupid? Shit, no. You shouldn’t do that.

  • I’m sure you’d make a great …………………………………….

  • No really. You should/shouldn’t (cross out where applicable)

  • What do you enjoy doing? What job would fit that?

  • But seeing as this outburst of bile is directed at people not listening to me in the first place, I think having a pad printed with only one thing on it should take care of my current vex:

  • Don’t ask someone whose opinion you actually value.

  • I know they won’t listen to me anyway…

    6 files below

    Blogger Andy said...

    Ah, t'is the nature of the beast, I'm afraid.

    And as bemusing this is coming from someone who blogs about how people piss him off, don't let them get to you. It's not worth your time.

    Oh yeah... I'll send you a pad when they arrive from the printers. :)

    4:16 PM

    Blogger Unknown said...

    I can't believe you... I swear I lived your life. I've had friends who did the same thing to me. I tell them something and it's dumb UNTIL someone else tells them something. ARGH. I think that some people put other people on a pedestal for whatever reason, and for whatever reason, I am not on that pedestal with them, so what I say goes in one ear and out the other... I love the tick pad idea.

    4:23 PM

    Blogger cadiz12 said...

    andy, that happens to me ALL THE TIME. i can't even contain how annoyed i am about it. it's like hello? did you not just hear the same advice from me like 3 months ago?

    i think people ask just to find a bunch of people who will agree with them and then only will they have the confidence to do what it was that they originally intended anyway.

    i guess i'm guilty of that too, but geez, at least give credit where credit is due.

    5:36 PM

    Blogger Kenneth said...

    Been there, done that, but it allways feels like a new dagger everytime

    5:40 PM

    Blogger ChickyBabe said...

    People often like to hear from others what they want to hear, so asking is usually a way to assert themselves that they’re right in their way of thinking. If you speak your mind, as a good friend does, they may not listen to you until they get confirmation from elsewhere. Very very frustrating.

    Advice from friends should be given with a warning: Take it or leave it. But if you leave it, don’t take it from someone else and give them credit instead!

    8:13 PM

    Blogger chica bonita said...

    ex-boyfriend always complained that i never listen to his advices but when it comes from someone else, i followed religiously.

    but really, it's not my fault. i'm doing it sub-consciously. there was prolly too much skepticism.

    5:34 PM


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