Now contains nuts.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006


In less than two weeks time I leave for Japan for my holiday. It’s kinda hard to believe it snuck up so quickly.

It is becoming increasingly difficult to focus upon my job at hand, due to the excitement surrounding the trip. Also, upon my return I won’t be sitting in this building anymore – moving to another location to resume my duties.

Thankfully I will be away from my high-school ex girlfriend who resides upon the same floor of my building. Awkward? Oh yeah… especially if you consider the nasty things I said to her way back when… that she’s obviously still not fully accepting. Oh well. I did say some despicable things about her.

This post is a bit everywhere, so a common theme will be missing.

Dear clients, please refrain from attempting to use jargon relative to telecommunications. You only confuse yourself, and when I do what you ask (assuming you know what you’re talking about) I end up doing something that is totally fucking opposite to what you wanted. DO NOT USE JARGON THAT YOU DON’T KNOW WHAT THE FUCK MEANS!!!

Dear blonde girl that keeps walking past my desk, eyeing me off. Make sure your boyfriend doesn’t catch you looking at people like that. He looks like the jealous type. Sure, there’s no harm in appreciating views but YOUR BOYFRIEND WILL PROBABLY FUCKING SNAP IF HE EVEN THINKS SOMEONE IS CONTEMPLATING IDEAS ABOUT LOOKING IN YOUR GENERAL DIRECTION!!!

I made the mistake of walking past Adelaide Uni’s Orientation week festivities today. Personally, I just wanted to head off down the river Torrens for a quiet walk.

Everyone looks so freaking young, it disturbs me.

I’m only 27 years old, but this feeling of being “past it” seems to permeate through my thoughts.

As I walked along the river, I spied many people laying down underneath trees, reading books, chatting with friends or quietly scribbling down ideas, answers and other miscellaneous pieces of text.

I look up and see the Riverside building looming in the distance, almost foreboding, like a monument to my current despondency with my work. It’s not like I don’t feel appreciated… I do. It’s not like I am no good at my work… I am. It’s not like I hate the people I work with… hate is a strong word.

I just don’t fucking care about the job.

I see these people laying in the shade, and I feel nothing but envy. The group of emos that gather in a circle and chat comfortably is something I admire, despite my belief that their continued existence is incongruous to their “sometimes better dead” philosophies.



10 files below

Blogger chica bonita said...

i can totally relate to how you feel!!

i thought of going back to uni for another degree but can you imagine all the kids around me would be 18 or 19 years old, unless of course i'm doing postgrad (that also, they're prolly 21 or 22)and i'm fricking 25. amen!

p.s: enjoy japan for moi!! and if you have extra cash, it's a shopping heaven. wohoo! i'm so thrilled for you. it's been a year since you first talked about.

2:29 PM

Blogger ChickyBabe said...

You're right about one thing in this post: FINISH THIS NOVEL!!!!!

Maybe it's the time of the year, but I feel the same despondency, and I'm lying on a beach most of the days :|. And let's not talk about feeling "past it"...

With Japan on the horizon you'll be totally excited and rejuvenated! As Chica said, we've heard about it long enough, now it's about to become your reality.

In the meantime, make something else a reality and FINISH THIS NOVEL!!!!!

2:36 PM

Blogger jennifersando said...

Andy, if it makes you feel any better, I am older than you. Um.

Sooooooooo, how far into the novel? Still on the first draft like I am ?!

3:41 PM

Blogger Andy said...

Yeah, I'm still on the first draft. I keep finding i re-read sections and then cringe before going over them again.

The trials of trying to be an author...

4:05 PM

Blogger jennifersando said...

Andy, have sent you a mail.

4:13 PM

Blogger cadiz12 said...

the worst part is that those uni children think they're so grown up.

blech. that makes going back there so annoying.

5:07 PM

Blogger Steph said...

Your trip will cure you. And yes, finish the bloody novel!!

11:20 PM

Blogger X said...

We get to read drafts of the novel, right?


8:41 AM

Blogger Andy said...

Cadiz: i KNOW... that is SO, like, annoying. SO unbecoming, like, wahtever...

Nah. I feel your pain. Seriously.

Steph: I hope it does cure me. I hope to get some renewed zest... whatever that means :)

X: Hey, hows it going? Long time, dude. Sorry I haven't been by. I had thought about posting the introduction to my novel as a Xmas gift to you guys, but thought the better of it... :) Dunno why exactly... just thought it wasn't ready...

1:46 PM

Blogger Kenneth said...

uhave fun

6:18 PM


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