Now contains nuts.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Pick the Fiction

The topic is old and hackneyed. But I sometimes relish my bus ride into work. It gives me a chance to zone out for a bit, think some things through and maybe even plot out some things going on in my life.

However, this morning I was privy to being approached on the bus by a “Chatter”.

The Chatter is a parasitic creature. It spies you from afar, can tell that you’re irritable from not having your morning brew, and then pounces upon you with the gusto of a cheetah hauling down a wildebeest, feasting upon your irritability, and forced politeness.

“How are you?” it quipped.

I turn my head slowly towards them, slowly lowering my sunglasses to reveal the biggest and best “do I look like a fucking people person?” stare I can muster. I even do a slight twitch of the eye to suggest that I could crack at any minute.

They stare back unflinchingly, their grin almost splitting the top of their head off. I could swear I could see some drool dripping down the side of their chin, such was their deliriously happy visage.

“Fine” I coughed out.

Bad move. This signaled the green flag in front of a green-hating bull.

“Oh that’s good, the weather has been wonderful lately, and I had a lovely walk…”

I faze out, the rest of the sentence becoming vague drawl not dissimilar to how the teachers talk in “Peanuts” cartoons. I feel my eyes slowly leaning back out the window.

“… and you shoulda seen it!” they finished as they bump their shoulder into mine, yanking me out of my haze.

“Mmmmhmmm…” buzzes out my closed mouth. I crack my apathy with the fakest of polite smiles, and I exhale audibly out my nose in an exasperated and exaggerated sigh.

It appears that interpreting subtlety isn’t one of their finer points. They continue on chatting about some inane event that obviously is of import to them. I can’t remember what it was; such was my intense interest in the passing bitumen under the bus.

They laugh at the anecdote that just spilled past their lips, and they pat me on the shoulder lightly.

Right then some ninjas rappel down into the bus, unsheathing their katanas in an aggressive manner. They shout out words in Japanese, with the only words I recognize are “Chatter”, “Removal” and “Squad”.

Their eyes scan up and down the aisles, and all passengers sit bolt upright. The Chatter next to me carries on oblivious to the assassins nearby, a loud and annoying laugh escaping their throat periodically.

One ninja focuses on the Chatter. His eyes narrow. All the other ninjas turn to see what he has spotted.

There is a blur of motion. All the people on the bus scream and duck their heads, shielding themselves with their hands. Sunlight glints of the metal blades as they spin and twirl menacingly.

Then the ninjas are gone. The deafening noise of silence permeates the atmosphere. The Chatter that was next to me is no longer there, with only a small pile of shredded material the single indication that they’d ever existed.

The bus continues to roll on, and I turn my attention to the window, relieved to be simply left to watch what is passing by.

I made a part of that story up. Can you guess which one?

Needless to say, I am extremely irritated. Yes, people are simply being friendly, but it doesn’t mean that I want to be fucking friendly back. Thank you, Chatter, for robbing me of one of the single moments of the day that doesn’t bombard my senses with annoying crap.

9 files below

Blogger ChickyBabe said...

I wish I could have a “Do Not Disturb” on public transport. Riding on the bus is “me” time, especially in the mornings in my caffeine-deprived state. All interruptions including loud inane chatter between commuters should be silenced, so I may borrow your squad from time to time and I’ll be the one with the wicked smile…

However, my fantasy out of the bus window doesn’t quite involve ninjas and bitumen… ;)

10:26 AM

Blogger Ms Smack said...

hahahahahh loved this post Andy!

is it ok to say hi if I pass you in the street?

1:09 PM

Blogger meghansdiscontent said...

I think public transportation should provide little cubbies, like the bathrooms on travel buses, for everyone to sit in.

If you want to talk to me, you must knock on my cubby door and if I'm feeling particularly benevolent or bored beyond all reason, I will let you in to yabber at me all you like. Otherwise, I will pull down the shade covering the miniscule window on the door and ignore your existence.

I think it's only fair.

7:13 AM

Blogger reverendtimothy said...

Don't you just hate it when people are trying to be friendly, but actually they're just being really annoying and unproductive? And they just seem to ramble on and on and on and on and just don't know when to quit? Yeah, I really hate that too. Don't these people have homes to go to? Haha. It's like they have nothing better to do than ramble useless crap - all the while your time is being wasted while listening to them! Yep, they just never seem to get the hint. And what about the mindless crap they chat about? It's like they have no direction at all! Everything is a segway... sport, weather, politics... they just don't shut up! I know how it feels, so I never ramble myself. Those sorts of people are just really irritating and I'd never want to be one! Haha. It's really sunny today, so there's heaps of chatterers out and about. Don't you think the weather is lovely today? I think it's lovely. I did have a lovely walk to work today thanks to Donald. How about that, eh? Old Donald coming to town so they shut down North Tce! How annoying! Not as annoying as people who don't know when they're rambling, hey? Oh, what about the soccer last night? Now that Australia won that soccer thing, EVERYONE'S gonna think they're an expert. "What about that defence!" they'll say, or "That Harry Cool is a miracle worker!" ... ha! Take a hint, people! You don't know anything about soccer! Talk about fuel for the chatting fire. Oh and another thin... *OW* some ninja just swept past broke my fingers?! :-\

10:33 AM

Blogger Andy said...

Tim: your grasp of irony is hilarious! As for The Don, I'm in the building next door to the Hyatt, and have to go through some pretty hefty security... oh, and traffic was a bitch.

Meghan: oh yes! Cubbies!! And here I was thinking that a solution would be that everyone carries a floating balloon with them:

green balloon: talk to me

Yellow balloon: You may speak near me, but I won't respond.

Red balloon: just don't fucking ask, okay?

4sanity: It's unfortunate that alcohol inhibits the ability to interpret hostile body language (although it seems that if another male even looks in their direction, they get offended and start picking fights). But, I never get tapped on the shoulder by the girl I was standing next to at the bar, and told "I appreciate how you didn't stare down my top, or expect me to look at you, and how you apologised for accidentally brushing up against me, and you didn't make me feel like an object... it was very polite of you"


Ms Smack: you may, but take note of the balloon I'm carrying.

CB: you've been living my life, by the soudns of it.

10:51 AM

Blogger Andy said...

auburn: a lot of people seem to take any audible noise from your mouth as the green light for conversation... even if that noise sounds like "Leave me the hell alone, jackass"

10:55 AM

Blogger Steph said...

OHH another RAGE moment. You need more sleep too. And can i have the number of these ninja's you speak of? How much notice do they need prior to a chatter removal?

8:42 PM

Blogger Andy said...

Unfortunately, Steph, I cannot give you these details of which you speak.

The detect when something isn't right, and they descend onto a bus they deem under the most strain of a chatter.

You thank them profusely for their help, but they only reply with an enigmatic "everybody gets one".

9:02 AM

Blogger Andy said...

Sorry about that, 4Sanity. I won't bug you when in line at the supermarket again...

I kid...

Forget the bid flu! Chatting is becoming an epidemic!!!!

11:11 AM


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