Now contains nuts.

Wednesday, April 06, 2005


I've managed to score two tickets to see the REM concert tonight. As these tickets were from a radio station, I've been told I might get to meet the band beforehand...

I'm not the hugest REM fan, but I won't pass up an opportunity to see a band of this popularity perform live... for free.

But I can imagine what it'll be like to meet them.

Me: So, Losing My Religion was a great song...

Stipe: Get the fuck away from me, you mainstream ignoramus! We've been in this business for 20 years with 17 releases!

Me: Er... 'kay. Can you sign my CD? My name is eBay...

2 files below

Blogger chica bonita said...

whee!! a concert. how fun!!!!

6:55 PM

Blogger Andy said...

Well, didn't get to meet them, but I did get in the media pit for a while. Got some good photos. And my seat was front row, centre.

Pics soon.

11:17 AM


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