Now contains nuts.

Monday, April 04, 2005

When Photographers Turn Bad

Anyone who has read this blog for more than five minutes would know of my undying love for our media, if by love you really mean “heart-stabbing abhorrence”.

However, this time I laugh at their photographers, and their ability to totally muck up. Normally I would post a picture, but I’d prefer to post the link, instead (will be found below).

Australia’s sudden interest in the Miss Universe contest was borne of last year’s winner, Jennifer Hawkins – a local lass. Now, I shudder to think of the intense scrutiny this new girl (Michelle Guy) will be under. Hell, if she doesn’t at least win the Miss Congeniality prize, then I’m sure there’ll be pitchforks and torches a go-go when she returns.

Because we all know that’s really the prize given to the girl who all the contestants feel sorry for (however, I cannot say for sure having never been a beauty pageant contestant…).

Anyway, back to the point.

There was typical gushing over our new Miss U representative in this article. Words like “cute”, and “whole package” were used, indicating that this girl is some kind of angelic beauty who drop men (and some women) to their knees, weeping.

But it seems that they deemed that the photo in this article was the best one.

Okay, so it’s not the worst photo ever, but surely it’s not the best one. If you’re going to fawn over someone really beautiful, then why not use a beautiful photo? Tips include:

  • Try not to get the red “devil eyes” effect. Photoshop is a wonderful tool, as is using equipment that you don’t buy at the servo just because you’re running late. Disposable cameras, in fact, aren’t the tool of choice for professional photographers.

  • Try not to get a facial expression akin to someone’s reaction to a shockingly hilarious event. If I may be so crass and low-brow, the girl looks like she’s just heard someone drop the most enormous - and odd-sounding – trumpet fart.

  • Ensure that you cannot see the reflection of the photographer in the subject’s forehead. Again, Photoshop is your friend.

  • Obtain a shot of a pose a little more dignified, not one which suggests the she is struggling to keep her head from tilting or perhaps even falling off (and yes, I do realise that she is merely adjusting her tiara).

But perhaps this just reinforces the suggestion that women are jealous, vindictive and malicious creatures. Perhaps the lady who took this photo thought, “That fucking bitch. How dare she be so cute and likable? I think I’ll put this photo in. This’ll piss her off…”

Honestly… if I was her (which I’m not), I wouldn’t put that photo on my driver’s license, let alone allow it in a newspaper.

But maybe there's a lesson here. Don't piss off your photographer; they capture how you are at a single moment, and therefore can define how you'll be remembered.

8 files below

Blogger chica bonita said...

or maybe just so because michelle guy isn't as photogenic. i always thought jennifer hawkins has got a brilliant smile. very kate hudson look-alike.

1:32 PM

Blogger X said...

Those red eyes suggest that she agreed to be possessed by demons in exchange for the title of Miss Universe.

Of course, that's just a theory.


9:18 PM

Blogger Andy said...

I never actually understood the fuss behind Hawkins. To be honest, she didn't carry the flair or panache of someone like Hudson.

But I'm sure there're other photos of Michelle that are more complimentary.

I've heard that red eyes are the side effects of selling your soul...

8:07 AM

Blogger chica bonita said...

the big hoo-ha with jennifer hawkins was prolly because she won the miss universe title (or was it miss world?). at least she's not as over-rated as delta goodrem. for goodness sake, that woman can't sing and talking about acting, what's with that movie with her acting as some 14-year-old high school girl? *pukes*
i'm in bitchy mood right now so u gotta forgive me for being rude. :-)

11:16 AM

Blogger Andy said...

Jennifer also lost her skirt that time, and had that big sixer down the steps...


Oh, and I'm with you on Delta. Don't worry! :)

12:21 PM

Blogger TravAss said...

You guys know WAY too much about these contests.

3:02 PM

Blogger chica bonita said...

andy: don't you reckon the skirt losing incident just makes her more girl-next-door? (maybe not!i couldn't find the right word to describe that right now) sure she is not audrey hepburn, probably a far cry from being elegant but hmm...she is just who she is.
and of course, delta is over-rated. she has always been.

parker: what contest? :-)

7:04 PM

Blogger Andy said...

I'll admit that whole skirt thing did give her a certain playfulness, and did make her appear more human, but it's hardly the kind of thing you'd expect from someone who is the "most beautiful person in the universe 2004".

parker: there's a contest now? :)

I can't believe I'm having this conversation...!

"What's the most scintillating conversation you've had on blog?"

"Oh... Miss Universe and her dodgey skirt..."

9:40 PM


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