Now contains nuts.

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

So... I had this job interview, right?

I think I’ve indicated before that going to a job interview ranks on the things I most enjoy doing… right next to getting papercuts under my fingernails.

ie down the bottom of said list.

I found out about this job interview right before I departed for Sydney, and I had totally blocked it out of my mind, because… well… when you’re on holiday, you should be relaxing, and not stressing over what things make you ideal in a team environment.

Or answers to questions along those lines. And answers like “Because I’m the shit” just don’t cut it.

However, when they initially contacted me to notify of my interview, they told me that they hadn’t, at that point in time, specified the venue. I assumed it was just because conference facilities were in short supply in their building.

I was probably right, too.

I informed them that I was going away, and that they should contact me on my mobile once a venue had been chosen.

However, it was on Sunday evening that I remembered that I had an interview the following morning at 10am. I hadn’t received a phone call.

I had the most awful feeling that they had sent an email to my work address, detailing venue address, panel members and the rest of the stuff I needed. Heaven forbid they required me to make some presentation… I felt the colour drain from my face.

I rushed into my workplace at 7.30am to check my email, just in case. Nothing.

No phone call. No email. Did they post the details to me? I hadn’t received anything in the mail… but I moved house recently, and maybe the mail redirect hadn’t taken effect yet. The new owners of my house have my new address, though…

I didn’t know where to go.

I quickly shoot off an email to the organisation’s HR consultant to whom I sent my application, telling her that someone should call me soon to pull me out of the swamp of confusion I was currently marinating in.

I can’t believe it.

At 9am I receive a phone call, informing me of where the venue was. I tried to reschedule, and I had originally bargained on being able to… but it was futile.

I quickly pulled on a shirt and tie, grabbed some notes I had jotted down, and swiped the keys to my brother’s car.

I made it to the venue with five minutes to spare.

All in all, the interview went okay. Not my best. Not my worst. Can’t complain really, seeing as I was a bit frazzled from being informed of the venue a mere one hour prior to the interview.

At the end of the interview I queried as to when I might find out the results, and they said I should know something by the end of the week. It is now Wednesday the following week.

Not good.

But it wasn’t until I got out of the interview I discovered that only half the front of my shirt was tucked in. I was wearing a long jacket, so hopefully they didn’t notice.

Anyway, I was with a client later in the day before I realised that I hadn’t informed my referees that I had an interview and that they may receive a phone call. As I said, I found out about the interview just before I left for Sydney, so it didn’t figure into my head.

I try to call my referees, but get voicemails. Ugh.

So, in summary… I had a job interview last week. I sucked.

7 files below

Blogger chica bonita said...

i don't think you did bad if there is anything. oh, imagine a company calling you an hour before an interview. it could probably be a little miscommunication but it looked more like bad management.

and hey, it's not the end of the week yet so good luck!!! *hugs*

8:48 PM

Blogger Jenni said...

At least you didn't feel like throwing the glass of water in front of you at the interviewer because of his moronic assed questions/responses.

I once went to an interview with 2 interviewers. Good cop, bad cop style.

One example of moron attitude: Bad cop asked what I'd be interested in doing if I were to not pursue a law career. I said I'm only interested in pursuing law but that I find Human Resources interesting and I talked about the focus on people and individuality with the overall running of the firm always in the picture etc etc and he retorted "Is that all. Why don't you just work behind a coffee cart then."

The bastard. Halfway through the interview, I knew I definitely didn't want to work at this firm. So, uncaring of my interview progress, I stared him back and shot back "I didn't study 5 years of law at university to serve coffee all day 365 days a year."

8:48 PM

Blogger ChickyBabe said...

Don't give up yet! I went for an interview and I felt they cut me short and I had no hope. They didn't call for 2 weeks then late on a Friday afternoon, they made the offer. Goes to show you never know!

8:58 PM

Blogger Sherri said...

At one job interview the interviewer asked me how much I made at my last job....and you know that little filter that's supposed to kick in that keeps you from saying what you're thinking? Well, it was out of order that day.

"So, how much did you make at your last job?"

"A heck of a lot less than you'd have to pay me to work here!"

Yep....I said it. And you know what?

I got the job.

9:00 PM

Blogger cadiz12 said...

don't worry too much about it, andy. they obviously aren't on top of things, so it's not surprising that you still haven't heard from them. i wouldn't give up hope just yet. some of the best things come out of haphazard situations like that.

2:35 AM

Blogger jazz said...

you really can't tell with those things at all, seriously...

4:05 AM

Blogger Andy said...

I think we all have some form of horror story… although none I’ve heard before compare to that scenario that Jen painted…

Chica: I’m guessing disorganisation, and a slip up in the process. Oh well, I made it on time.

Jen: That’s shocking. Some people get “interview” mixed up with “interrogation”. Just ask the Australians who are “interviewing” possible terror suspects.

CB: I know. You just never know. I know so many people who walk out of an interview saying that did crap…. But they end up getting the job.

Sherri: I think it’s a bit abrupt for someone to ask what wage you were on previously. It’s a bit rude. Oh well. I know that filter, though :) Mine always kicks in during interviews… I can feel it. Just before I make some kind of wise-crack, I stop short.

Cadiz: My coping mechanism isn’t great in situations like that. But it appears that I’ve had to “wing” interviews on a number of occasions, which tells me one thing. I need to prepare better.

Jasmine: I know. For all I know, the rest of the candidates could’ve been complete rubbish. I do have specialised knowledge in the area, so I hope that counts for something…

10:15 AM


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