Now contains nuts.

Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Big for big's sake

Some people often preach that they like a person to admit when they're wrong. However, this kind of philosophy has been brought into question by the authorities that lie within the four walls of my home... which in my mind are more qualified than anyone I know...

It seems that when people hear someone apologise to them, and admit that they had made a mistake, they seem to keep the memory as some form of "get out of gaol free" card. In the event that the apologiser takes a person to task over some indiscretion, then that person holds up said card and says, "yeah, well at least I didn't [insert previous fuck up here]".

People like to gas on about how they like people to behave towards them, but in the event that they are approached by someone who fits this definition, they don't know what the hell to do with them.

I've come to the conclusion that people like to act big, only to be seen as big. Not necessarily to actually BE big.


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